To My Child I Never Knew

I love you little one, for always

Alex Andra
The Birth, Baby and Beyond Hub


Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

You weren’t with me for long, some might say you weren’t even with me. But for me, I felt you inside of me from the first moment you were there and I loved you from that moment.

You’re my best kept secret. Only Mummy and Daddy know of your existence.

I often think of you. I wonder what you would look like, what your personality would be. Would you have that same cheeky smile your sisters have?

I look up at the sky on a clear night and smile at the twinkling stars, I think of you up there, shining bright.

I’ll never know for sure, but I think of you as my son, I’m not sure why, maybe it’s my maternal instinct that made me think you were a boy, you are my boy.

I feel like I let you down.

I feel like it was my fault I lost you. I’m sorry son.

I think of you with sadness in my heart.

I write to you with tears in my eyes.

I love you little one, for always.



Alex Andra
The Birth, Baby and Beyond Hub

I write about: Birth, Birth Trauma & Breastfeeding | Domestic Violence | Health & Fitness | Life | Mental Health | Motherhood | Love, Relationships & Sex