The birth of my husband Part 16

And the birth of my kids with me, back again.

Jiska Hachmer
The birth of my husband
7 min readFeb 26, 2021


The phase of issues, of others with issues, making it our issues, stepping into our lives, with their issues, now we got issues, too.

“I’m jealous, I’m overzealous
When I’m down, I get real down
When I’m high, I don’t come down
I get angry, baby, believe me
I could love you just like that
And I could leave you just as fast

But you don’t judge me
’Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
No, you don’t judge me
’Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too

’Cause I got issues, but you got ’em too
So give ’em all to me and I’ll give mine to you
Bask in the glory of all our problems
’Cause we got the kind of love it takes to solve ‘em
Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need ya

You do shit on purpose
You get mad and you break things
Feel bad, try to fix things

But you’re perfect
Poorly wired circuit

And got hands like an ocean
Push you out, pull you back in

But you don’t judge me
’Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
No, you don’t judge me
’Cause you see it from the same point of view

’Cause I got issues, but you got ’em too
So give ’em all to me and I’ll give mine to you
Bask in the glory of all our problems
’Cause we got the kind of love it takes to solve ‘em
Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need ya

I got issues, you got ’em too
And one of them is how bad I need you
I got issues, you got ’em too

’Cause I got issues, but you got ’em too (I got)
So give ’em all to me and I’ll give mine to you (You got ’em too)
Bask in the glory of all our problems (I got issues)
’Cause we got the kind of love it takes to solve ’em (You got ’em too)
Yeah, I got issues (I got)
And one of them is how bad I need ya (You got ’em too)
Yeah, I got issues (I got issues)
And one of them is how bad I need ya (You got ’em too)
Yeah, I got issues (I got)
And one of them is how bad I need ya
”(Michaels, 2017).

True love, they just have issues.

Others trying my one is giving him issues. All others trying me gives us issues. Also, all pushing us into trying other people gives us all issues.

They, the ones causing issues, should find themselves, it makes them go inside, to themselves, to their true heart, losing all the others who are actually just telling their issues, to them, causing a pandemic of issues, spreading around, to the next person we meet. While we search for just someone, because that's been told to do, or expected to do, while we have a true heart inside, with just one person, we should find! Now, all have issues.

They used them, for their own issues. They need to go inside too. Their search to them is an issue, they had to search for their one… Not just someone.

Some are just not yet understanding, still with issues with their own one, hiding with you, so remember the song “issues”, it's just some issues.

“I've got issues, but you've got them too…” cause all the others trying your one, gives you an issue… also your one. Then, both have issues, cause of them…

We need to get inside, to find each other.

I live like a nun, for my one

Others didn't respect that, projected on me, because of their lives, their ideas, their worlds, entering mine, assuming their own. It seems shallow, immature, being someone else, actually, trying me, or mistaking for the one. It is like a path to gender. They are told something else, by the people they met, forced into another idea, and thus finding me like that what they had to find, not God's idea, of their true one. Some in such trouble, so I am their survival and another way around. So, I refused that, I cannot stop my senses, my intuition, my instinct, my true love, how I am born. Some testing this out on others, as if you must be married at the age they want, so they get prove from us young people, that we are indeed are having such love, it has to be shown to them, for their “peace of mind”. So lots lie, “this is the one”, just not to have to hear those interfering people, forcing. After that, they search for the real one, but some already have kids at that time, especially when they get older and older, and they seem to end up all alone.

While the love you find inside, all alone, like a nun. Just the way you are born, just the way you will die, with your inside. We should expect that of everyone, instead of anything else. People will surprise us with their inside, their private world, they can keep as long as they want, “in the dark”.

It is like a gender.

I am an XY female, simply chromosomes with Y, not just my thoughts, but my body, actually a boy, with a female body. Even there people can be wrong, because of their lack of DNA, and are not modern enough understanding any Y in DNA is being a boy. Projecting with their lacks, of science, onto others, defining others with that, or twisting around the situations.

Everything is meant private, for the individual alone, not even any others to interfere with just their ideas. They did not understand why ethics made them just not allowed to enter, no matter what. They get this weird idea, their studies make them more than others. The purpose is everyone their own development, their own studies, for themselves, and you can share if someone wants. Truly, means not, when you find it truly, but when the people themselves find it truly. Truly does not mean when you can convince them to lie to everyone it is their true, so you can enter. It is not such a game.

Still, in science, we can find absolute truth. Just a theory, a lack, is still no absolute truth it is an opinion or lack of knowledge.

True love is beyond, the body we got, beyond the ideas people have with that body. It is also more detailed, and complicated, but fitting perfectly, when you work through it all. It is just not the standard idea, which no one is, anyway. Everyone is unique, authentic, and then autonomous, meeting each other, becoming one. After that a long life, with children getting their own lives and authentic selves, and true love. Going through the pains, finding out they are not the standard too, and working it all out, too.

It is like getting a child.

First, you need a spiritual birth, with your one, not just someone, then, you get babies. When you get them with someone else, you have issues.

The more people are doing their true love, searching for them, the more we kids know, and the more our kids know, what true love truly is, not always in reach.

I had such a family, all had their own true one or the search for their true one, divorce was something new, but also the way they searched for love, our grandparents and all before had fewer issues, and found their true one because they were raised how to find them.

It is about that truth inside, nothing else than how you are born, it is a feeling, an experience, using your senses, and intuition. You become your authentic self, finding out where your one is, near or far. Feeling how that one should feel. Understanding things about that person.

You should not be distracted on the outside, but stay within.

They could only marry once and already knew to take their time, finding the true one. It was a phase in life, after childhood, and could last some years, traveling, waiting, living life, until it happened. Some stayed alone their entire lives, some married very late, some married young.

The children were explained how the one was accepted as a family member, like their own child, and how they will have to be truly in love, and truly had their own search on that one, also to be each other's true one for life. How that person needs you. That need is a key, they'll die without you, so you better find that one, depending on you, they truly, truly depend on you. If you are not there, they have not the life meant. So, you will also have to work hard for it, so you both survive, and all your children, too. The family will bond with that one too, they cannot do that constantly, a lot depends on relationships, especially in their days.

Lots of people died, life was hard, but then you had at least each other, they survived with true love.

You are born for the one, they depend on you from that start, until the end, so you will need to work it out, you have to. If both were from the same parents, they were siblings, but they would know the same idea, of true love, from their parents, happy love, now it is done by more parents. It is work for the earth, so we all have our kids finding the one, too, like us. The better we do this, the easier the marriage, where life is real, hard, with dying children, and dying parents, you will cry, but then, not alone, and not with just someone, but with deep love, so you'll be able to survive it all.

Everything had a purpose. All meant by God, they believed. They talked endless on this, and all would find their authentic, autonomous own life and love.

Just be who God made you to be, your one will fit to that.


Michaels, J. (13th of January, 2017) Issues. Genius. Retrieved from

Julia Michaels (8th of March, 2017) Julia Michaels — Issues. Youtube. Retrieved from

Devalen, J. (21st of February, 2021) We didn’t date each other before getting married…Youtube. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (26th of February, 2021) status/1365344384410144769. Twitter. Retrieved from

