The Bitcoin Podcast Meetup

The Bitcoin Podcast will donate $100.00, if donations reach $100.00 (by 1/25/16)

All proceeds will go towards providing accommodations for attendees. Funds will be used for providing either pizza and soda or doughnuts and coffee, don’t worry, there will be a vote. Also for printing flyers and possible online marketing, like paid Facebook ads. What would you like, let us know here.

We had about 20 people show up to our last meetup. If everyone only donated even $5.00 that would ensure the budget for at least this and the next 2 or 3 meetups. Think of this as union dues. We all contribute to a honey pot, we all benefit. With goodies and refreshments as well as growth and structure in our meetup community.

Please click here to RSVP to the Jan 25th meetup, so we can budget the accommodations.

Thank you for your support.

Please even if it’s just $1.00 every small donations goes a long way to reaching our goals.-Kenn Bosak

