Unlocking Potential: 10 Reasons How bitmark Elevates Your EdTech Startup

Lisa Mariá Centeno
The bitmark Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2023
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Thinking about creating your own data format for your edtech platform? It might be time to reconsider that approach. Building and maintaining a proprietary data format can be a real pain. It’s expensive, time-consuming, and not sustainable in the long run. Plus, it leads to what we call a “lock-in” for learning content. That means publishers and other content owners might not want to bring their valuable learning content to your platform because of the proprietary data format and therefore lack of scalability.

Thankfully, there’s an alternative that eliminates these challenges while providing numerous benefits. Get to know the bitmark standard, the world’s only content-first open-source standard for describing and creating digital learning content.

Here are 10 reasons how bitmark elevates your edtech startup:

  1. Powerful Jump Start: With millions of learners in over 25 countries already utilizing bitmark, you become part of a strong ecosystem that offers a wealth of resources and opportunities for growth right from the start.
  2. Smart Structured Content: bitmark strictly separates content from style or visual information, to ensure that your platform delivers an optimal learning experience on any device and screen size while remaining flexible and adaptable.
  3. Save your money: Developing and maintaining a proprietary data format requires a lot of resources, including skilled developers and ongoing maintenance efforts. Adopting the open-source standard bitmark eliminates the need for costly development from scratch. The documentation of the hypermodern bitmark standard is freely accessible, saving you substantial expenses and allowing you to allocate your resources more efficiently.
  4. Faster than your competition: Building your own internal data format is a highly time-consuming process. It involves designing the structure, defining data elements, and trying to ensure compatibility across various systems. By adopting the open-source standard bitmark, you can skip the lengthy development phase and leverage an existing, well-defined data standard. This enables you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.
  5. Impress your stakeholders: By choosing the open-source standard bitmark, you align yourself with a widely accepted and trusted format. This increases your credibility in the market and encourages content owners to bring their learning resources to your platform, expanding your content library and attracting more users.
  6. Easy Maintenance: With bitmark you have one database for all of your content that means it’s easy to update your content, eliminates the need for redundant maintenance tasks and ensures consistency across your edtech platform.
  7. Interoperability: Being an open-source data standard, bitmark promotes interoperability, allowing seamless integration and data exchange with other platforms and systems. By adhering to a widely accepted format, you ensure compatibility with various tools, content providers, and third-party services. This flexibility enables your platform to leverage a broader ecosystem and provides a better user experience for your customers.
  8. No Lock-Ins Anymore: Proprietary data formats will eventually face resistance from content owners and publishers who are unwilling to invest resources in supporting a unique format. By operating bitmark as an open-source standard, you give your customers the freedom to avoid lock-ins of their content. This instills trust and fosters long-term relationships, ensuring your platform remains a preferred choice for content providers and learners alike.
  9. EdTech Collaboration: Open-source standards benefit from collaboration and contributions from a diverse community of developers and users. By embracing the bitmark-standard, you tap into a collective pool of knowledge, expertise, and continuous improvement. This collaborative environment fosters innovation, encourages best practices, and ensures the standard remains up-to-date with evolving technologies and industry needs.
  10. Future-Proof Solution: When you create a proprietary data format, you bear the sole responsibility for its maintenance and future development. If you face challenges or encounter technical issues, you may have limited options for support or resolution. In contrast, bitmark as an open-source standard benefits from a distributed network of contributors who can address issues, provide support, and drive continuous improvement.

You see, using the open source standard bitmark instead of creating a proprietary data format comes along with pretty strong arguments. Unlock numerous benefits while avoiding the pitfalls of complex developments. As a young edtech startup you’re on an important mission to improve the world of education — so bitmark provides the foundation, you focus on the impact.

Learn more about bitmark standard

bitmark is the world’s only content-first standard for digital learning content. As a content-first format, bitmark separates content from style or visual information, providing a powerful metadata-driven approach to learning content.



Lisa Mariá Centeno
The bitmark Blog

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