How Lawyer Bots are Revolutionizing the Legal Field

Akshara K
The Black Box
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Photo by R_Type from GettyImages/iStockPhoto

With 4 years of undergraduate study, 3 years of law school, the need to pass a bar exam to become accredited, and years of deep case study and argumentation development, the process of becoming a lawyer is extremely strenuous and takes decades to perfect one’s craft. But what if aspiring lawyers were told that some of their prospective jobs could possibly be automated? Artificial intelligence has made its way into the legal field—in the form of what’s known as Lawyer Bots.

What exactly is a Lawyer Bot? The simple definition is a software that carries out automated tasks usually done by lawyers, but the connotation of its name is somewhat misleading. Will it litigate a high-stakes divorce settlement? Probably not. But could it become a prevalent asset in the legal field and take away more than a few jobs? Possibly.

According to the U.S. Consultancy group McKinsey, they estimate that approximately 22% and 35% of a lawyer’s and law clerk’s job can be automated, respectively. AI-powered document evaluating tools can perform quality assessments to determine the necessary documents needed to make a case for lawyers because they have been trained on millions of case files, legal briefs, and other documents, therefore, allowing them to compile and apply knowledge as no human could. And companies are already beginning to integrate these…

