Black Woman in America.

Black Woman in America.

Neglected. Disrespected.

Disregarded. Rejected.

Most copied. Most emulated.

Ironically, the Black woman, often underrated.

Physically, mentally, sexually and socially abused.

For when we reach for the stars, 99.99 percent of the time we are always refused.

We give and give and give and give —

But, I ask as a Black woman, when will I be able to finally live?

We go forward, then we get pushed back, we go forward again, the Black woman is now under attack.

It seem like no matter what we do or say, what we contribute or what we create —

It’s always someone lurking, watching, seeking to destroy, steal, infringe and take.

When will we be more than just a mere commodity, a quantity?

When will we be more than just fine, a drive by, a passer of time?

When will we be more than just a big ass, big hips, a good ride and sexy lips?

Are we just a fantasy, a fetish, an experiment or an after thought?

It’s been over 400 years, and I can’t fathom how and when it comes to Black woman, the world still falls short.

Shouldn’t the world by now have learned from what history has taught?

No. It would seem that the more “things” change, the Black woman is consistently reminded that black female oppression still remains.



The Black & Brown Podcast Collective
The Black & Brown Podcast Collective

Celebrating podcasters and content creators of color in new & emerging media. Celebrating our stories. Celebrating our narratives.