Trump Threatens the Welfare of Hungry Americans

Congressional Black Caucus Statement on Trump Administration Rule to Cut SNAP Benefits

Congressional Black Caucus
The Black Caucus


After the Trump Administration issued a final rule that threatens the welfare of hungry Americans in need of SNAP benefits, formerly known as food stamps, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) released the following statement:

The decision by the Trump Administration to hurt poor and working-class Americans by requiring Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) to submit to more onerous restrictions to qualify for food stamps is disgraceful.

Over 36 million Americans rely on SNAP for nutrition assistance. This final rule weakens SNAP, the nation’s most effective anti-hunger program.

Enough is enough.

Unfortunately, the Trump Administration fails to understand that people want a hand up, not a handout. There is no dignity in taking food away from the poorest and most vulnerable of our citizens.

It is immoral, insensitive, and cold-hearted.

For all public servants, we have to do the most for those who have the least. As the ‘Conscience of the Congress,’ the CBC must stand up and speak for Americans trying to make ends meet, and call out this callous Administration for hurting the ‘least of these’ during the holidays and beyond.

The Congressional Black Caucus was established in 1971 and has a historic 55 members for the 116th Congress, including two senators. Together, the Caucus represents more than 82 million Americans. Congressmember Karen Bass (D-CA) is the chair of the caucus.



Congressional Black Caucus
The Black Caucus

Since 1971, The Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) have joined together to empower America’s neglected.