Dark Poetry

Christmas in July

O come, all ye rage-filled

The Black Veil


Black background. Grey line drawings of palm trees fill the page. In the lower right corner is white text: “Christmas in July”.
Black background. Grey line drawings of palm trees fill the page. In the lower right corner is white text: “Christmas in July”. Image by author via Canva.

The palm trees outside my window
Look like tinsel in the sunlight
But there is no merriment,
No joy, no rush to embrace
Just the sweltering heat
And the rising of tempers

A common phenomenon with intense heat is intense human interaction. I happened to write this last year during such an incident within my own home. The screaming was overwhelming. I had to turn up all my devices to drown them out. I wish I could say I wrote this during that moment, but the truth is I was lost in my emotions. I had fallen back into a flashback from my childhood and the screams took me over. I don’t know how long I was out of it, but eventually I did come back. However, the argument wasn’t over when I returned. It was an all-day event that exacerbated my own mental failings. Still, at some point, I got it together enough to pen this. I attempted to post this poem during that time, but eventually took it down. It reminded me too much of the present. I cannot stand current reality. That day served as a reminder that I couldn’t escape it. And I still haven’t. It’s now an unhealthy memory. One that I will probably revisit for a few July’s to come.


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72 stories
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Destiny is a Funny Thing”.
White background. At the top is half of a black circle with the flat part facing the bottom. Between the black and white space are the words: “Self-Forgiveness”.
Within a two-toned hallway of white and brown, are four white doors. Two are across from each other. Two are directly next to each other.

Dark Poetry

88 stories
The image is from the perspective of someone looking out the window on a rainy day. At the bottom of the page is grey text: “Desert Depression”.
The background is an image of an overfilled bookshelf. There is white text at the bottom of the image: “Life After Trauma: Volume Three”.
Black background. Grey text is at the bottom of the screen: “My Psychiatrist Victim Blamed Me”. There are three grey arrows pointing towards the text.

Horror Poetry

6 stories
White background. Black text: “Excerpts From My Horror Poetry”.
Foggy woodland background. Grey text in the middle of the page: “A Forest Friend”.
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Skin”.



The Black Veil

I write as a means to heal. I hope my words can serve as a reminder, that we are not alone. That we all deserve to be heard and seen. [they/them]