Dancing With The Devil

Dreaming of a dance in the dark

Sangeeta R Mathew
The Black Veil
1 min readNov 15, 2023


Image edited by the author on Canva.

I stare at the mirror stoically.
What used to scare me earlier
Paralysed and powerless now.

The shadows across my face
Not hazing the hollow cheeks
Or the red glow in my eyes.

As obsidian paints the whole sky
The darkness within comes alive.
With the familiar ominous rumbles.

Everything I buried deep within,
Unearthed by the tremors inside
Obscure and still eerily soothing.

The usual disguise lay forgotten.
As the inner devil came out to play
Snuffing the lights with a single blow.

We stand in a stage of stillness.
Staring into the chasm of our souls,
Slowly descending into madness.

We whirl and we waltz around,
To melodies that only we can hear
The world swallowed by our art.

Twirling through the fire and rain,
The pain could never torment me
For the beast shields me from misery.

At the first break of daylight,
The music comes to a stuttering halt.
I watch in woe as our motion stills.

The beast fades into the golden hour.
And I stand before the mirror, patching my mask.
Waiting to dance with the devil again.



Sangeeta R Mathew
The Black Veil

I am a simple human being trying to navigate life by writing. I love to write about topics that excite me. I prefer not to limit my musings to a label.