Dark Poetry

Desert Depression

A Perpetual Storm

The Black Veil


The image is from the perspective of someone looking out the window on a rainy day. At the bottom of the page is grey text: “Desert Depression”.
The image is from the perspective of someone looking out the window on a rainy day. At the bottom of the page is grey text: “Desert Depression”. Image by author via Canva.

Grey clouds begin to mourn
Their tears gather on Earth’s skin
Forging lakes in beige cities

I walk past the concrete shore
All traces of life have vanished
Swept away by the gale of sighing crows

Lightning strikes, a phoenix rises
Only to fall dead from the fumes
Another life lost to the gamble of emergence

Disability is hard. It is after all, by definition, debilitating. Living with my mental illnesses and fibromyalgia leaves little room for stability in my day-to-day. Inconsistency is the one constant in my life. It’s also the thing I detest the most.

I long for stability, but that isn’t my life right now. It won’t be for a while. I am trying, but it often seems like it’s not enough. I inevitably fall back into depression or mania. I stop talking to people. I stop writing. I don’t even read. I don’t bathe. I get lost in my [maladaptive] daydreams and disassociation. I swear there are days when I spend more time in my head than I do on Earth. Then I come back. Defeated. Because I didn’t win the fight. The [maladaptive] daydream happened. The disassociation happened. The depression/manic stint happened. When I return I’m bruised and battered. Dazed. Left waiting for the storm to reappear. And for me to revert to nothingness. Still, the sun has got to come out sometime….right?


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72 stories
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Destiny is a Funny Thing”.
White background. At the top is half of a black circle with the flat part facing the bottom. Between the black and white space are the words: “Self-Forgiveness”.
Within a two-toned hallway of white and brown, are four white doors. Two are across from each other. Two are directly next to each other.

Dark Poetry

88 stories
The image is from the perspective of someone looking out the window on a rainy day. At the bottom of the page is grey text: “Desert Depression”.
The background is an image of an overfilled bookshelf. There is white text at the bottom of the image: “Life After Trauma: Volume Three”.
Black background. Grey text is at the bottom of the screen: “My Psychiatrist Victim Blamed Me”. There are three grey arrows pointing towards the text.

Horror Poetry

6 stories
White background. Black text: “Excerpts From My Horror Poetry”.
Foggy woodland background. Grey text in the middle of the page: “A Forest Friend”.
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Skin”.



The Black Veil

I write as a means to heal. I hope my words can serve as a reminder, that we are not alone. That we all deserve to be heard and seen. [they/them]