Echoes of the Abyss

A poem that explore the whispers in the Shadows

Lenoi Poetica
The Black Veil
2 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by roman raizen on Unsplash

"Echoes of the Abyss" delves into the depths of the human psyche, where darkness and fear intertwine to create a chilling narrative. Explore the eerie corridors of the mind, where reality blurs and nightmares come alive. This poem invites you to confront the psychological shadows that haunt us all, weaving a tale of suspense and intrigue that grips the imagination.

In the depths where shadows stretch and creep,
Where whispered secrets haunt the sleep,
There lies a mind, a twisted maze,
Where darkness reigns in endless haze.

Echoes linger, voices low,
In the corridors where nightmares grow,
A labyrinth of fear and doubt,
Where sanity hangs by a fragile sprout.

Visions dance in eerie light,
Phantoms flicker in the night,
Ghosts of memories, twisted and frayed,
In the recesses where sanity swayed.

Whispers crawl upon the skin,
Unseen fingers, a touch akin,
To the chill that grips the soul,
In this realm where fears take toll.

Through the mirror cracked and veiled,
Reflections twisted, truth impaled,
A psyche's battle, lost in gloom,
In the haunted halls of mind's own tomb.

Dark desires, shadows' play,
In the mind's abyss, they hold sway,
A carnival of twisted delight,
Where reality fades into night.

In the silence, madness weaves,
A tapestry of shattered beliefs,
Where truth and fiction intertwine,
In the depths where shadows entwine.

Beware the corners of the mind,
Where secrets lurk and fears unwind,
For in this darkness, you may find,
The darkest depths of humankind.

Dare to descend into the depths of "Echoes of the Abyss." Share your thoughts and reflections on the haunting journey through the mind’s labyrinth. Join the discussion on the complexities of human psychology and the allure of darkness. Follow for more thrilling poems that explore the mysteries of the human experience.



Lenoi Poetica
The Black Veil

My words are swords that cut through fantasy and paint reality. I'm a vessel of my writing spirit.