OCD is Hungry for Me

A poem about living with OCD

Tiffany A
The Black Veil


Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

I live in a cage
Laced with venom
Bars made of hands
Grotesque and hungry
To rip and consume my sanity.

I’m ensnared in its mouth
The Venus fly trap
As it chomps down
Over and over again
Why does it not relent?

I yearn for the spaces between
The lighthouse in the starless sky
To purge the fear
To eat away lies
And illuminate reason.

The Boogeyman is real
He lurks in the cage
As I cower, a mouse
From the dark visage
Will the trap snap my neck?

The delusions are real
My insanity is sane
It waxes and wanes
The Yin and Yang
A death and rebirth.

My obsessions,
The rabid animals
Cry for release
Panting, howling
A wolf-pack of deceit.



Tiffany A
The Black Veil

Poet, Blogger, YouTuber, and Alien Romance Writer. I write relatable poetry about life and articles to help you manifest your dream life.