

Waqas Ahmad
The Black Veil
1 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by VENUS MAJOR on Unsplash

In the hush of twilight,
shadows stretch like secrets
whispered against the skin.
Desire curls in the corners,
a silent invitation,
a beckoning.

Eyes meet across the room,
a spark ignites,
a promise hangs heavy
in the charged air.
Hearts quicken, pulses race,
a dance begins.

Seduced by the allure,
the unspoken thrill,
they move closer,
magnetized by invisible strings,
drawn into an orbit
of breathless anticipation.

In the dim light,
bodies become silhouettes,
language dissolves,
replaced by touch and gaze,
a conversation of fingertips
and lips barely brushing.

Electricity courses
through veins, igniting
every nerve, every thought
consumed by the fire
that burns between them,
a blaze of wanting.

Walls fade,
time suspends,
they are lost in the moment,
in the intoxicating pull
of connection so deep
it drowns out the world.

Seduced by the night,
by the rhythm of their hearts,
they surrender to the tide,
letting go of the anchor,
drifting into the depths
of shared longing.

In the quiet aftermath,
a lingering echo of touch,
they lay entwined,
content in the silent symphony
of their own creation,
a masterpiece of desire.

they rest,
souls entwined,
breathing in the afterglow
of a passion
that will linger long after
the dawn breaks.

