
The Darkness Swallowed Her

A dark poem about a dark time. Unfathomable, yet, relatable to many.

The Black Veil


Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse. Graphic Violence.

Suddenly, as she looked at him
Her heart began to sway.
She took one look at his bloodshot eyes
And knew she had to get away.
She could feel his hatred from afar.
She wondered what he would do to her.
She made a run for it without a moment’s thought.
Where would she go?
What would she do?
She did not have a clue.

No matter how fast she ran
His thudding footsteps followed her.
At that moment she came up with a plan.
Before she could make her move
She felt him grab her hand.
He smirked a little, then swished her around.
“Please let me go!” she cried.
“I’ll let you go when I’m done with you” he replied.
Those words made her heart sink.

The adrenaline pumping through her heightened her senses.
She could hear sharper now,
She heard every one of his raspy breaths.
Every single beat of his cold heart,
She could see clearer now,
She saw every single scar on his jaunt face.
She was more aware now,
Aware of how tight his grip was around her arms,
Aware of how intently he was looking at her,
Aware of how slowly time seemed to be passing.

In a blur of movement he crashed her against a wall.
She felt the cold brick at the back of her head,
Then she felt warm blood dripping out into her luscious hair.
Next thing she knew, she was on the floor.
There was no one holding her,
No one threatening her.
Was it all a nightmare?

“Up, are you?” she heard him say.
With all her strength, she raised her throbbing head
And looked into his eyes, they seemed dead.
Another blur of movement and she felt something enter her mouth.
She choked and spluttered and tried to get away from him.
It burned her throat, it hurt her jaw but there was nothing she could do.

He mercilessly ripped her garments off until she was bare.
“No” she cried,
“Please no” she begged
It was of no use she knew, for he only grinned.
He forced his hips in between her legs and thrust himself into her
She felt herself rip,
She felt herself bleed.
Feebly she struggled.
He seemed amused.
He seemed excited.
He paced up.

She felt her naked body swinging on the jagged floor
She felt the roughness cutting her back
Every time, the cuts went deeper and deeper.
She couldn’t handle the agony any longer
She wanted all of this to end.
She just wanted to fade away into the darkness.

“Let me go. Please!” she whimpered
Miraculously he did.
She looked at him, awed.
“If you dare complain girl, you know what I’ll do to you” he threatened.
He crashed his booted foot into her chest.
She heard her ribs crack.
He kicked her across the face
She felt her jaw break.

And slowly, he started to walk away,
Leaving her on the floor, broken and bruised
Silently, she begged for the darkness to swallow her.

Thank you so much for reading. If my writing resonates with you, you can find more on my Medium profile.



The Black Veil

What: Brain dump of creativity. Why: Building a habit.