To think, To know

Oh, to think, to know…

Stewart Storrar
The Black Veil
Mar 31, 2023


Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash

I thought I saw the sky,
Twinkling with innocence,
To the woes of man,
And our sinful dissonance.

Yes, I thought I saw the sky,
Till I felt the sun’s shrill glow,
Each lumen a judgement,
A foreign foe.

Oh, I thought I saw the sky,
Until it became clear,
That the cloak of the night,
Was nothing to fear.

Now I know the sky,
It’s shadow an old friend,
The moon my acquaintance,
Till my mortal end.



Stewart Storrar
The Black Veil

Writer from Glasgow, Scotland. BA (Hons) in Media and Communication. SEO Manager by day. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈