Your Favourite Black Veil Poet for July
Which piece of writing did you carry with you this month?
Welcome to the safe space for those who dance with the dark. Together we have carved out a corner of the Mediumverse in which we hold space for the darker aspects of life and their expression. As usual you have shown up for yourselves and each other in moving, brave and empowering ways this month.
We all know that life is not solely composed of joy and light; it also encompasses pain, sorrow, and struggle. Acknowledging these darker elements is essential for emotional honesty and healing, and even more importantly, accepting both sides of our human experience allows us the understanding that nothing lasts, meaning we can get through the ‘bad’ and appreciate the ‘good’.
How are you all doing?
I’ve been wondering if you’d appreciate a monthly challenge or theme to respond to, or if there is anything you personally would like to see more of in the pages of The Black Veil. Please either comment below or highlight some text and send me a pm if you’d rather, but I’d really appreciate your feedback and ideas for how you’d like to see this publication develop.
Each month we look to you, our Black Veil community, to demonstrate your appreciation in claps, likes and comments for the poets…