Your Favourite Black Veil Poet for March

Whose words reflected the thoughts we keep in the shadows?

The Black Veil


Image by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

March has come and gone and as the world hurries on you have returned day after day with vulnerability, and a willingness to dig deep and uncover the beauty of our collective darkness.

I wonder, do you ever find the contrast between your inner landscape and the world around you so opposing it feels unnatural and almost like you are walking around inside something that just doesn’t make sense?

Like burying someone you love on a beautiful sunny day, or coming to the unwanted end of a relationship just when everything around you seems to scream love and happiness?

I wonder if the shift into the full force of the spring season is helping you find the positive, the silver lining and the hope in life, or is it just making you feel that much more removed and separate from the people around you?

Either way welcome to this safe haven for your shadow side.

Each month we look to you, our Black Veil community, to demonstrate your appreciation in claps, likes and comments for the poets and poetry that you have enjoyed the most. We write to be read, to be heard and to connect, and there is no greater affirmation that the respect and appreciation of our peers. We…



The Black Veil

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.