If You Have These Problems In Your Relationship, Then Breakup Is Best Option.

Muhammed Rashmil
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2020

HIGHLIGHTS °It is better not to quarrel and get rid of the mind °Whether love or marriage villain is doubtful

1. Looking for ways to divide

If you feel that the slightest fights are a reason for leaving a partner, you know that the relationship is weak and disadvantaged. For this, you will find reasons and create problems. It is better not to quarrel and get rid of the mind.

2. Suffering conversations

When you talking to your lover it’s been irritating you please break up. Because it’s not true love, when you don’t irritate the conversation it will become true love.

3. When doubt becomes the villain

Whether love or marriage is a doubtful villain. There will be no rest and peace of mind. All the workings of the partner will begin to be monitored. The relationship to be shared is filled with questions. Living together without faith does not mean it. Because love is likely to be in a state of perpetrating love, you have to make a logical decision.

4. To compliment laziness

Commendation is of great importance to any relationship. Appreciating the accomplishments of the spouse and the good things that are being done shows the strength of the relationship. But for the sake of a long time, no praise is shown at the end of the relationship.



Muhammed Rashmil

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