India To Next Level; Apple Shift Their Manufacturing Outlet From China to India

Muhammed Rashmil
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020

The coronavirus disease has created a great impact on the global economy. Lots of businesses, directly and indirectly are affected by it. Many countries are struggling to get their positions back.

Tech giant Apple is planning to shift nearly one-fifth of its production capacity from China to India. As per reports Apple’s senior executives and Indian government’s top-ranking officials have discussed the move over the last few days.

Since the conflict between the US and China is not fair. According to them examining the possibility of shifting nearly a fifth of its production capacity from China to India. And scaling up its local manufacturing revenues to around 40 billion dollars over the next five years. A technology expert says that If this happens iPhone makers could become India’s largest exporter. They also added that India isn’t a big market for Apple as the company sells only a fraction of its total output in India. It is looking at India as a base to manufacture and export. Essentially diversifying its production out of China.

Prime minister Narendra Modi has met top executives of Apple and Samsung. Which kick-started the process of rolling out incentives to attract high-tech manufacturing to India. Until today India however continues to be dependent on China for supplies of other smartphone parts like display panels and camera modules. In addition to that India is hoping to attract some of these global companies looking to shift from China. India working harder to get its dependencies out of China.

If this type of company shifts in India, we don’t want to depend on China. In this era we are very much depending on Chinese goods and their product. And every country should produce the necessary products on their own. If every country produces products, then they will get a better economic position in the future.



Muhammed Rashmil

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