What Makes Road Trips So Memorable ? 4 Tips For Making Road Trip Memorable

Muhammed Rashmil
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2020

Soothing weather, lovely companions, and the weekend is the perfect ingredients for a road trip, isn’t it? A good recipe for the everlasting memories.

Road trips are much easier to plan than week-long trips as most of the people travel to nearby cities or towns. Thinking of the word “road trip” just brings out the lots of excitement and you just start thinking all about how much fun it is going to. There are some beautiful aspects of a road trip.

1. Enroute

A road trip is more about the journey than the destination. A little need is to check the route to avoid any traffic because getting stuck in traffic is not something you will enjoy. The best part is that you can get down of your car whenever and wherever you want to explore something that interests you.

2. The Car

Unlike the train or bus you can drive whenever and wherever to any route and stop by whichever place you like to visit. Check the necessary details in the car like petrol, tires, keep a spare, and a number of the mechanic or garage on the way your route just in case if required. And if you are renting a car then check if it is suitable for the place you are driving to. Also, consider the number of travelers and their luggage, etc.

3.Travel Mates

Travel mates or companions plays the most important part of the whole journey. Remember it is a time when your bond with them will grow since you will be hanging out like 24/7. Carry snacks and beverages to eat while en route.

4. Expenses

Expenses during road trips are not usually certain as dining out at a restaurant or staying in a hotel requires a budget. Make sure you do some research about the hotel prices and budget restaurants to keep your expenses in control. There are many apps in which you can get discounts and offers.



Muhammed Rashmil

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