The Blade & Beyond Is Now Closed

Sarah McManus MSc
The Blade and Beyond
1 min readSep 21, 2023


It’s with regret that we are announcing the closure of this publication. I’ve been putting it off because it’s not really something that I want to do, but unfortunately it is necessary due to changing commitments in my life. It’s been a brilliant 2 years, and though I had hoped that in that time there would be more submissions and less pressure on me, I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve spent running this publication!

I have no intention of removing any of it so all of the articles and resources will remain here in Medium. When I have I’ll still be posting on Medium too, it just isn’t something I can commit to doing on a regular basis.

Thank you so much to the writers who have submitted such beautiful, vulnerable pieces over the past 2 years, I have so much appreciation for your work. And thank you for the readers who have stopped by and hopefully gained something from our writings.



Sarah McManus MSc
The Blade and Beyond

Sarah is a UK-based writer with an MSc in Psychology. She writes about mental health & Neurodiversity. She is also the Owner and Editor of The Blade & Beyond.