Insecure: Season 5 Episode 3 Review

Brittany Robinson
The Blak Lotus
3 min readDec 10, 2021


Pressure, Okay?!

Photo by Joseph Ngabo on Unsplash

Last night’s episode was all about Lawrence.

At the end of episode one, we all witnessed Lawrence drop Issa off at her apartment, but what transpired after that?

Well, Lawrence moves to San Francisco just like he told Issa last season. He finally lands the job of his dreams and moves to the Golden City. While on a date, he gets a text from Condola that says she just had the baby. Lawrence cuts the date short and rushes to the hospital. When he arrives, he is instantly greeted by Condola’s mother and sister (played by KeKe Palmer). It’s interesting because you can tell that Lawrence is slowly becoming fascinated with the thought of being a father. From the moment he walks into the hospital room, you can tell that he is unsure of the entire situation. You can also tell that he feels a little judged, being that he missed the birth. But by the end, while looking into his son’s eyes, all of those feelings go away.

Throughout the episode, Lawrence becomes more interested in being involved with his son. One night Lawrence comes over to pick him up, but Condola, who’s taken care of everything from day one, doesn’t feel comfortable letting her son leave so suddenly. Condola’s retraction frustrates Lawrence, leading them into an argument. But who’s right and who’s wrong? Honestly, I can see both sides.

Condola has been 100% ready for the birth of her son since the beginning. On the other hand, Lawrence has been hesitant with the thought of being a father and has only recently become interested. Condola argues that Lawrence only pops in every so often, making it hard for her to trust him around her son. Although Lawrence is the father, I can see where she’s coming from. She literally had everything planned from the start and here comes Lawrence trying to change Doctor appointments to fit with his schedule.

Lawrence argues that he wants to be there more frequently, but he has to work, making it harder for him to be there. I must also note that distance plays a role as well. Lawrence lives in San Franciso, while Condola still lives in Los Angeles. If I’m being honest, I see his point. Yeah, he could move back to Los Angeles to be closer to his son but to play devil’s advocate, it’s his dream job.

Right before their disagreement, there was a split-screen scene, where it showed both Lawrence and Condola. It showed us what life is like for both of them on a daily basis. On one side, Condola is waking up to a crying baby, sitting alone and wiping down baby bottles. Her day consists of nothing but the baby. While on the other side of the screen, it shows Lawrence waking up for work, hooking up with women, and popping bottles. His day consists of everything but the baby.

From a fan’s perspective, I want nothing but the best for these two characters. I hope that they come to some understanding for the baby’s sake.



Brittany Robinson
The Blak Lotus

Hi readers! My name is Brittany and I’m a Communications major at the University of Michigan-Flint. Here, you can find music reviews, TV reviews and inspiring