Ways to Prep Your Life for Spring

faith anderson
The Blak Lotus
3 min readMar 11, 2022


Image by Arno Smit from Unsplash

We are a few short weeks away from longer days, warm walks, and sun-soaked afternoons. Though we might be more than ready for a bit more warmth in our lives, we also know with the arrival of Spring comes the coveted Spring cleaning. Undoubtedly, cleaning out your physical space can be much needed and often necessary there are a few other ways we can prepare for warmer weather to set ourselves up for an even brighter Spring season!

Create a Spring Bucket-List

One of my favorite things about Spring is how busy the season is with events and gatherings. Though this can be exciting and make the anticipation of warmer weather something to look forward to, it can also become without actively keeping track of all the things to enjoy during the season. Making a bucket list will help organize all of the fun activities for the season while also providing a space to ensure those things are enjoyable! Here is a sweet bucket list to try out, full of all of Spring things!

Digital De-Clutter

Physical spaces are often the first to be cleaned. Whether that be a closet, bathroom cabinets, or that random junk drawer in the kitchen that holds the extra parts to that Ikea bookshelf. Yes, those places need cleaning, but digital spaces have become increasingly important in our lives and hold so much of our information. This Spring, do a deep clean and organization of your devices. This includes deleting unnecessary laptop files, uploading documents to Google Drive for safekeeping, uploading photos to the Cloud, or deleting those needless text messages from 2018. Our digital spaces can have just as much effect on us as our physical space — give it a good dusting and free up space from clutter!

Create a Spring Playlist

If you’re anything like me, the music I am listening to plays a significant role in the way I am enjoying the world around me. Because of this, I have a playlist for practically every occasion. Birthdays, Sunday drives, sleeping, hanging out with my Dad — you name a time, I have got a playlist for it! Having a Spring playlist can be an easily enjoyable way to take full advantage of the season. As songs remind you of the season, add them to your playlist and keep them on repeat all season long!

Establish a Spring Routine

Lastly, create a Spring routine. Whether it is a morning routine or a few things to do regularly throughout the week, having a sense of normalcy within each season can give us a comfortable resting place when all else is changing around us. Some of this routine can include quiet time in nature, coffee dates with a friend, or having regular reading time. We have been living in turbulent times, and establishing routines can be a great addition to help maximize Spring enjoyment while creating a margin for relaxation.



faith anderson
The Blak Lotus

disciple. journalist. musician. yellow enthusiast. seeker of Truth.