A Socially Conscious Fashion Designer

The Blessed Interviews
The Blessed Interviews
9 min readMar 15, 2017

Meet Jacoba Jane. She is a self-taught fashion designer and entrepreneur from Tofino, Canada. In this interview, she shares her twisting journey to the work she is doing now, her passion for sustainable fashion, how she deals with self-doubt, and how a difficult season in her life led her to put all her trust in Jesus Christ.

Hi, Jacoba! At what point did you fall in love with fashion design. Did your grow up in an environment that nurtured your interest? I fell in love with it as soon as I was able to read fashion magazines. I specifically remember deciding to be a fashion designer at age 12. But my parents are baby boomers and they didn’t believe that creative fields could pay the bills. So they strongly discouraged me from going to fashion design school. Looking back, I realize that they just wanted the best for me, and they had their own ideas about what that was. But it was hard for me to navigate that as a teenager graduating from high school.

After I graduated, I felt directionless. I still wanted to pursue fashion, but instead, I went to college, dropped out, and then I went to cosmetology (hair) school. After that, I still felt pressure from my parents to get a degree. So I began an accounting degree online. I had moved to this very small town where opportunities were limited, so I worked a series of mediocre jobs.

It wasn’t until I lost my job due to unforeseen circumstances, that I realized my prayers were answered — I was supposed to be in fashion!
I had prayed about it for years and this seemed like my answer. So I quit accounting and I never looked back!

“What feels like the end,
is often the beginning.”

When (what year) did you start to pursue fashion design as a full-time gig? Did you start small or did you reach for the stars from the beginning? It was in January of 2015 that I dropped everything and chased my dream. I started small, but my goal was always to make luxury dresses for women. So I began by making and selling cosmetic bags on Etsy.

“To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”— Arthur Ashe

The bags were very quick to make, people loved them, and I was able to test out the waters of selling online. After that, I transitioned into selling silk dresses on Etsy. I learned so much during that phase. I was selling very basic styles because I didn’t know how to make my own patterns. But over time, I got tired of being limited to such basic styles. So I pulled that first line from Etsy and I decided that I was going to learn everything there was to know about pattern making so I could be taken seriously as a designer.

So I went to the websites of top fashion schools and found their textbook list for pattern classes. I bought those books. And I immediately fell in love with it — it’s the perfect marriage between creativity and technical work. I love being capable of seeing a dress through from the beginning sketch to the end garment. I love every step of the process. Since then, I have learned couture techniques, advanced sewing and pattern making. And I’m hoping to launch a collection in summer 2017! It’s definitely a different approach to the fashion design/manufacturing process, but it’s what I love and it has allowed me to stay debt free. Plus it’s special to offer a product that has been made entirely under one roof. Sustainability, beautiful quality fabrics and fair labor have always been areas I’m passionate about. I’m able to share that with the world through my process.

Do you feel like the Lord is leading you to create a socially conscious clothing brand? I have always wondered how we could take something so beautiful as fashion and turn it into something so ugly. “Fast Fashion” (the cycle of buying very cheap clothing, wearing it once and then discarding it or replacing it) is very damaging to the people in those factories and to the world in general. It’s something I hope to shed a light on. I know many brands are trying to be socially responsible, and I’m happy to see it. But I feel called to do more than just raise awareness. At its core, I believe my calling isn’t about me, it’s about others. I am still looking and praying that God will direct me to where exactly He wants me on those front lines. I’m committed to finding a cause to partner with before I launch my first collection. And not just for the sake of saying I’m “socially responsible,” but because I don’t want my life to be all about me. Life is so much bigger and better than that. But I know that with God’s timing, all will be revealed to me!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. — Proverbs 3:5–6

What’s the biggest internal challenge that the Lord has helped you overcome since you jumped off the cliff in 2015? Definitely self-doubt. I’m often plagued with the thought, “Who do you think you are, thinking this will go anywhere? You’re just one girl in this tiny corner of the world!” I still struggle with this. But thankfully, I keep coming back to the verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I also believe that I’ve had such a crazy, twisting journey to get to where I am now, that if I wasn’t meant to be doing this, Jesus wouldn’t have brought me this far. I think in many ways, people make finding your calling this very complicated process that takes intense insight, but I’ve wondered if maybe it’s just finding a need in the world that you would love to fill. The journey has definitely been a test of my faith. And I can personally feel how I’ve grown since I started. When you have no assurance from the world, when no one is telling you, “this is going to work,” the doubt creeps in. But I feel such peace with where I am, and where I’m going, that I can take comfort in that during times of doubt.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13

I agree. Finding a ‘calling’ is just to find a problem or need in the world that you want to solve. And to then solve that problem with your biggest passion or gift. In your case, fashion design. Exactly! Even what you do, sharing knowledge and passion with the world. Spreading wisdom through your Instagram page. That’s incredible!

Yeah, like I had a similar situation to you. I fell in love with writing/journalism when I was still in high school, but because I grew up in an environment were a ‘proper’ job was in Law, Engineering, Accounting, and Medicine. I ended up studying Industrial Engineering at University. And it has only been in the last 2 years of my life, that God has been rekindling my passion for content creation. Yes, I can totally relate. I am always envious of those who say, “My parents were artists and told me I should do whatever I want.” I think it also takes so much courage to go your own way. For me, it took the first 22–23 years of my life before I had the courage to say this is what I feel led to do regardless of what people think. I keep on coming back to the quote,

“At first they’ll ask you why you’re doing it, but later they’ll ask you how you did it.”

So it’s awesome that you’re coming back to what you love! It helps so much having support from fellow people who have gone through the same thing.

I have also come to realize that if you aren’t doing what you love, you won’t be able to lead and inspire others.

You can’t fill someone’s cup when you’re empty.

So true…and it’s like everyone I’ve interviewed so far is doing what they are doing now as a result of a quarter life crisis they had around age 22. Really! That’s so interesting. I actually feel blessed that I had the crisis so young.

That’s so cool, though.

Also, God is a creator, and we are made in His image. I grew up to frown upon my creativity as something silly. It was like a dark secret I had. I’m glad that I’ve managed to come back to it, and that I can now share it with the world.

I feel like God is moving in our generation. As the world is shifting into a place that accommodates independent entrepreneurs and pioneers, He wants us (believers) to be the light in the darkness— to show that He is the only One who can give true purpose and meaning. Wow, that’s so true!! I also believe that our generation has the tools to make a change.

A generation of changemakers!

Did you grow up in a Christian household? Yes, I did. But for the first 20 or so years of my life, Christianity seemed like a set of rules I had to follow if I wanted to have a good life. I knew God was there, and I believed in Him, but it wasn’t until I moved to this very small town and I felt isolated, that I really began to depend on God and see Him work in my life. So, I only began making my faith my own around age 21. It’s funny how life events shape you. Now, I feel like I’m only dependent on Him. It’s actually so freeing to know that I already have all I’ll ever need.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” — Matthew 11:28, THE MESSAGE

What legacy do you want to leave behind when your time has come to pass? At the most basic level, I hope to leave behind a business that my future children can run, if they choose so. On a personal level, I’d like to be remembered as someone who did as much as she could with the time she was given. Wasted time is an insult to the short time we are given in this world. If I could touch even one person’s life in a meaningful way, I’d be very happy. I’d like to know that I have given as much as I could, both financially and with my time. Ultimately, I’d like to leave behind a legacy of someone who has built something that gives back.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — Pablo Picasso

Onto the last question. What area in your life would you like someone reading this to pray for? I would like you guys to pray for my wisdom. Wisdom to make the right choices. Wisdom to remember what my purpose is. And overall, just for courage and strength.

Thanks for Reading!
And God Bless You!!

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The Blessed Interviews
The Blessed Interviews

Interviews of Christian creatives sharing their life journey with Jesus Christ