Very Important Information

Precious Olawuyi
The Blessing Nigeria
5 min readMay 21, 2020

Hello everyone,

How has your week been? Mine has been good. However, it could have been better if I didn’t have to answer the number of questions I did from many people, despite the fact that the answers were in black and white on the website.

Please take a short time to read the posts on the website before creating your video or sending me a question, it helps all of us achieve more.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Into some good news, we deeply appreciate everyone who has taken time to upload videos. Your labour of love is deeply appreciated and would never be forgotten.

To everyone who is still yet to create or submit their video, there is no better time to do it than now. Let me tell you why.

Over the past few days, I was contacted and have since been in talks with a team in another part of the country. They are doing the same project that we are doing in fact, they call it the same name.

They offered to synergize with us. So in that spirit of unity and togetherness we are trying to promote in the body of Christ in our country, we decided to merge the projects.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

We had a couple of meetings and we worked out all the modalities and compromises that each camp is meant to make. We then came to an agreement.

Also, remember we said that we were going to keep celebrities out of this project? We deliberated that point again and we came to the conclusion that it is not the right way to go. This project is one that promotes unity and so, we shouldn’t keep certain members of the body of Christ out, just because they are popular.

Since we came to that conclusion, a lot of the top gospel music artists and legends (which I cannot mention their names now) in the country, have come on board to be part of the project.

They will be sending their entries till this coming weekend runs out.

In the light of that, if you have still not recorded your video, you should please do it before Sunday and send it to us through the designated means.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Due to the merger, we now have new guidelines to follow for the execution of the project. A new instrumental would be used and everyone who records would be expected to do it with 1080P video quality.

The new instrumental is here.

Anyone who at the time of writing, has already uploaded their video, would be exempted from using the new instrumental. However, anyone who wants to submit their videos from now on would have to follow the new guideline and use the new instrumental.

Also please note that, when the final video is released, we shall be prioritising entries with the best video or audio quality.

That means an entry with a low video or audio quality might not be shown or heard in the video as much as a counterpart of topnotch standard.

Photo by William White on Unsplash

Also, we have decided that in order to promote utmost unity, peace and joy; information about the church or social media handles will not be displayed in the final video.

Please, if you sent your video to me, endeavour to also upload it on YouTube. The easiest way to get your video omitted is to send it to me on WhatsApp, instead of filling the form and uploading it on YouTube as stated here.

I do not promise to or intend to omit anyone’s video, however, I cannot assure that I have sent your video to the right person if you sent it to me on WhatsApp.

I have received more than a million messages in the past few days, coupled with the fact that, I am dealing with memory issues on my phone. So to be safe, just upload your video to YouTube as directed, please.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I shall be sending a confirmation email to everyone whose entry has been received. If you do not receive an email by 3 am tomorrow, just know that it has not been received. Therefore, contact me immediately, please.

Please note, that I do not view people’s videos. The team in charge of video and audio editing would do that. All I do is to communicate with you all and create a framework for you to be able to participate in the project.

In conclusion, please feel free to add your friends and get them to send in their entries. The train is moving fast and it would soon be gone and out of sight.

Thanks a lot for your help and cooperation so far. We trust God to enable us to achieve great things together and be catalysts to the deliverance of our nation from the hands of the evil one.

Yours in His service,

Iyebiye Olawuyi.



Precious Olawuyi
The Blessing Nigeria

Content writer, designer and all-round digital media dude. Soon-to-be, Medium top writer.