If I Were to Cast Survivor Season 8 All-Stars!

Avery Price
Everything Survivor!
4 min readApr 17, 2022

Recently I have gone back and rewatched all 41 seasons of Survivor. The first All Star season took place in season 8 after the show’s first 7 seasons. This season surprisingly was pretty good for the first time bringing old players back. But, there would be a few things I would change about it. Some of the “All Stars” didn’t live up to the hype and looking back at the first 7 seasons now, I would change a few things about it. In today’s article I will explain what changes I would make strictly off the first 7 seasons, Not what I know now after watching all 41.

*Disclaimer* There will be spoilers for seasons 1–8 in this article and if you haven’t watched them yet and want to then I suggest watching before you continue reading. Enjoy!

Here is the original 18 players:

Tina Wesson

Rudy Boesch

Jenna Morasco

Rob Cesternino

Richard Hatch

Susan Hawk

Colby Donaldson

Ethan Zohn

Jerri Manthey

Lex van den Berghe

Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien

Alicia Calaway

Shii Ann Huang

Tom Buchanan

Rupert Boneham

Jenna Lewis

Rob Mariano

Amber Brkich

The only 4 winners were targeted very early, Ethan Zohn making it the farthest but only scoring 11th place. In the original there were 3 tribes of 6 including 3 boys and 3 girls in each team. We will keep that the same but in this recast we will have a full team of winners so that they can’t be targeted and we will at least see one winner post merge this time. Out of the 4 winners that originally made it I would keep all but Jenna Morasco, who ended up quitting a few days in. So Jenna Morasca, Rudy Boesch, Susan Hawk, Rob Cesternino, Alicia Calaway and Jenna Lewis will be replaced. For underwhelming performances and some who were just not very interesting at all this season we will make 3 brand new tribes.

The New Seboga Tribe:

Tina Wesson

Vecepia Towery

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Ethan Zohn

Richard Hatch

Brian Heidek

Vecepia Towery who is one of my favorite winners of all time we have never seen again in any Survivor season. She played her game from the bottom the entire time and pulled off a crazy comeback win in the show’s 4th season and should have definitely made it this season. Sandra Diaz-Twine was just coming off an impressive Season 7 win in an All Star packed season itself. I read something that said she was asked to come back but on such short notice from her last time playing she declined. Brian Heidek was dealt a very easy hand in his Season 5 win where it seemed as if much of the disappointing cast wasn’t even really playing the game. You could

tell from the beginning Brian was either going to win or be very close. I’d love to see how he would’ve matched up against people actually playing the game.

The New Mogo Mogo Tribe:

Shii Ann Huang

Kelly Goldsmith

Jerri Manthey

Rupert Boneham

Colby Donaldson

Lex van den Berghe

Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien was originally on this tribe but a slightly disappointing performance with Lex will move Kathy onto another tribe. Kelly Goldsmith was in Season 3 with Lex and in one of the tribal councils Lex was hit with a vote and he thought it was from Kelly but it was really from Teresa so I will bring them back together on the same tribe to rekindle what happened Seasons before. Jerri Manthey was on the original Seboga Tribe but her Survivor story this season didn’t really start until she was back on the same tribe as Colby her arch nemesis so this time around they start off on the same tribe to spice things up. Rupert who was originally on the Seboga Tribe unfortunately didn’t win his season so he will be moved to this tribe and hopefully have a different start to the game and won’t be playing from the bottom the entire team.

The New Chapera Tribe:

Amber Brkich

Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien

Kelly Wigglesworth

Rob Mariano

Tom Buchanan

Sean Rector

The River Guide Kelly Wigglesworth who was a beast in the challenges and played a really good game all the way until the end where she lost to Richard Hatch by 1 vote because one of the members of the Jury Greg asked them to pick a number 1–10 and Richard was closer earning himself Greg’s vote. Sean Rector who was very close with Vecepia in Season 4 was never given another chance on Survivor again. In fact this entire season lacked diversity and didn’t feature a single African-American man or woman. So we will turn that around and bring back 1 of each and although we can’t bring them back onto the same tribe because Vecepia won hopefully in this recast they will meet up post merge.

All in all this was still a really good season with a great ending story. As much as I want to go back and change some things that are impossible, but this is still fun to think about and play with these ideas. I would love to make more articles like this one about my favorite show Survivor. Hope you enjoyed reading!



Avery Price
Everything Survivor!

I'm a 16 year old with a passion for writing. But not just writing about anything, I love watching sports like Basketball and Football. Plus Rap!