Re-casting the first Fans Vs. Favorites Survivor Season!

Avery Price
Everything Survivor!
4 min readMay 17, 2022

In today’s article I will be recasting the 2008 Survivor Micronesia Favorites tribe. Obviously I can’t recast the Fans tribe because they were all new players and frankly I wish I could because other than Erik I did not honestly enjoy watching a single one of the fans. The Favorites tribe on the other hand had multiple very good players that I will keep on the season but a few disappointing performances will cause for some replacements. The last recast article I did was about Season 8 Survivor All-Stars, I won’t be including anyone from that season or anyone from the 7 seasons before. Although Survivor did bring back Jonny Fairplay from Season 7, I can’t stand Fairplay and I don’t know why they did this so he will be replaced. Let’s get into it!

  • Disclaimer* Spoilers will be in this article for details and outcomes of seasons 9–16.

The Original Favorites Tribe:

Amanda Kimmel

Ami Cusack

Cirie Fields

Eliza Orlins

Parvati Shallow

James Clement

Jonathan Penner

Jonny Fairplay

Ozzy Lusth

Yau-Man Chan

This tribe started out pretty slow and they lost the first challenge and voted off Jonny Fairplay. The tribe consisted of 5 boys and 5 girls and we will keep that even. Each boy and girl will be replaced by the same gender and no winners will be brought back to keep that target off. Underwhelming performances from Eliza Orlins, Jonny Fairplay and Yau-Man Chan will be re-casted. I think Eliza’s downfall in this game was Ami also being there both originating from Season 9. If Amy wasn’t here then maybe Eliza would connect with the younger crowd and stay on the right side of the numbers but she honestly should’ve never been here in the first place. In her original season she was very annoying and barely snuck out of every tribal council until finally she was taken out at final four. Jonny Fairplay’s downfall was him asking them to vote him off first. I don’t know if it was a part of his strategy and he was just lying to them like he did a lot in his original season but it got him booted off first which I think a lot of people were happy to see. Yau-Man’s downfall was just the wrong side of the numbers and choosing to rock with Fairplay and the old people. In his original season he was so fun to watch and I was pretty disappointed by his performance this season. Those 3 players will be replaced with Julie Berry, Nate Gonzalez and Dreamz Herd. I have Eliza being replaced by Jeff Probst ex girlfriend Julie Berry. In Julie’s original season she and Eliza were pretty close for the most part. I think Julie played a way better game then Eliza and should’ve made it farther. If this happens I see Julie fitting in well with Ozzy and James and giving them another number to help out down the road. Because I was obviously rooting for Ozzy or James to win this season. The next 2 guys would’ve helped that out so much. Nate Gonzalez who played with Ozzy in the Cook Islands was one of my favorites in that star studded season. Not much to show for other than being a challenge beast and out standing those girls in his original tribe. Was voted off pretty early and would’ve shined in his 2nd chance. Next is Dreamz Herd who ironically is replacing the Yau-Man. The man who Dreamz stabbed in the back late in their original season. I would’ve put Earl in this but I didn’t want any winners so instead I went with his buddy all the way to the end in Dreamz. Dreamz would’ve put on a show in an All-Star season and carried this tribe to a few immunity wins.

Thank you everyone for reading! The next one I do will be Survivor Heroes vs. Villains. Stay Tuned!



Avery Price
Everything Survivor!

I'm a 16 year old with a passion for writing. But not just writing about anything, I love watching sports like Basketball and Football. Plus Rap!