The Block announces the successful close of a management buyout

Michael McCaffrey
The Block


The Block announces the successful close of a management buyout to form the only employee-owned firm in crypto research, news and information services

A note from Mike McCaffrey

Today, we announced a big step in the journey of The Block — completing our transition to a 100% employee owned company.

We made this decision for a number of reasons, but most importantly to enable us to reward our team with substantial ownership in the business. This enables us to attract and retain the best talent in the industry and ultimately achieve our mission to be the most thorough and trusted source in the fast-evolving, interdisciplinary digital assets and crypto space.

One year ago, Mike Dudas entrusted me with the reins as CEO of The Block as he transitioned to be Chairman of the Board. During this year, we’ve proven the strength of the business and the ability for the team to drive growth in revenue, readership and reinforce the position of trust that The Block holds in the industry.

I’m thankful for this trust and support, and as The Block continues as an independent company we’re grateful for the continued support of both of our Co-Founders. Mike Dudas and Jake McGraw had an idea in 2018, and recruited talented, curious and discerning content creators to build what The Block is today.

We also want to thank our early investors who supported us through and through, and who were understanding of our desire to make The Block an employee-owned company. There are too many people to name individually, but we are incredibly thankful for your support and hope to keep you as readers, subscribers and supporters.

I am incredibly excited for this next step in The Block’s evolution and we invite you to come along for the ride, whether it’s reading our news, becoming a member of The Block Research, or joining the team.

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