5 Ways to Take Advantage of the 80/20 Rule for Education

The Blockchain Academy LLC
The Blockchain Academy
4 min readJul 24, 2019


Most of us are unaware of the universal rule that works silently behind our lives and governs it. Anyone who understands its wonders lives a happier life, accomplishing more in lesser time. It is seen at work in our daily lives, and known by various names; the 80/20 rule, the Pareto Principle, and the Pareto’s Law. The principle is simple, stating that hardly 20 percent of the action is responsible for 80 percent of its outcome. In other words, 80 percent of the impact comes from 20 percent of the cause[1]. The 80/20 rule is everywhere; especially in education. This article discusses the same; the application of 80/20 rule in education and the top 5 ways to take the maximum advantage out of it.

The 80/20 Rule — In Detail

The Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule has been named after Vilfredo Pareto, an economist and an inventor of this principle. Centuries ago, he observed that 80 percent of the wealth in Italy was in the hand of 20 percent of the population, and that 80 percent of the peas in a garden was grown out of 20 percent of the tea plants. Pareto studied the land distribution patterns of some other countries also and found similarities. Today, the 80/20 rule is seen in almost all aspects of life, for instance:

· In the field of languages, the most commonly used 20 percent of the words make the…



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