Focus for this Blog: Blockchain security and cryptocurrencies.

Marco Maigua
The Blockchain Artist
2 min readOct 3, 2019

Hi Everyone. For the few people that have been following me. I have been busy with school. I just graduated as a Master in Computer Science in Blockchain Technology Research. I am very happy with my progress and my current projects. My blog was focusing on topics like web development, social networks data gathering, personal development of software developers. Was getting some attention already.

Although, since I found Blockchain technology so fascinating both in the social space, and in the financial and economical space, I have decided to concentrate most of my posts in Blockchain architecture, Blockchain development, Blockchain security, and anything interesting that is happening in the Blockchain space. Additionally, everyone needs to know that we are facing a change of paradigms in technology that weren’t seen before in history. Therefore it represents OPPORTUNITY.

I truly believe that time invested in learning Blockchain technologies in all the atmospheres is the best decision anyone can have for their future careers. Soon, software developers’ jobs even will be replaced by AI frameworks, the market will stretch for the demand of software developers, and it will be more difficult to get good well-paid positions. Therefore there won’t be job security but skill security.

Learning specialization in certain fields is what will secure people in Tech. Therefore Blockchain specialization is what I want to put all my efforts on and share my knowledge with the people that are interested in learning this fascinating technology. I am about to start reading The Blockchain Revolution: a Tale of Insanity and Anarchy by Andrew Updegrove. So far is the only fiction book out there that imagines a world where Blockchain technology has taken over the world. What could we expect from a society that regardless of the trust in the system, can know exactly the truthfulness of their data? Are we heading in that direction?

Any way I will be posting mostly technical posts. I am currently working as a Full Stack Developer so from time to time I will post about Laravel PHP and React topics. But my main focus from now on will be the Blockchain World so I encourage everyone out there that know what I am talking about, know this, we are not alone, we are seeing the world changing in front of our eyes.

If you want to know more about me and my projects follow me in my social media:

Website, LinkedIn, Gihub

