Medium is losing its charm, here’s how writers are making money online

Be sure to not miss out on these platforms

Abhishek Ghadge
5 min readDec 2, 2022


Millions of dollars are made today in the writing professions. If you want to get started, or whether you are looking for a new platform to start writing on or want to keep yourself updated on the current situation of writing, you have come to the right place.

There a lot of trends and innovations happening in writing, and platforms are the leading the bulk of it. Long gone are the days of simple blogsites, and welcome are the paying writing platforms with powerful editors to assist you.

Here is the list of today’s writing platforms —


By far the most popular writing platform on the internet. Every new startup or a blogger has page here. You can find 1000s of articles written everyday, that cover wide range of topics, from health to technology.

Medium is for everyone who wants to blog, in an easy simple way. You can easily earn money if you live in country where they provide the payout services. It is good platform for you to expand your reader network, thanks to the publication features.

But has it been stagnating these past years? Users are looking for more features and publications want their fair cut. This has caused many to look for alternative opportunities.

1. is a writing platform based on the blockchain. They believe in the stringent ownership of articles. Your articles are your property and should stay with you. In the advent of the decentralized internet, is the pioneer platform in the writing space.

On dArticle, you can create yourself a free NFT of your article on the polygon chain. This way your article stays safe and secure on the decentralized blockchain, and you never have to worry about losing your article, or getting it deleted.

Verifiable NFT’s on

Verifying your article NFT handles payouts in crypto, and writers earn money based on the engagement they bring. It is an easy way to get started and earn money in crypto. The article NFT earns money, and the owner of the NFT gets paid. comes with a powerful Block-style editor that will help you with all your writing jobs.

2. is a writing platform that is dedicated to the technology space. You can find and write about many opportunities and tools in the coding and development sphere.

You can find and connect with coding writers in diverse communities. There are many CEOs and directors on the website who regularly blog about software. As exclusive deals with the development, your articles have to be of such kind. Just technology is not enough to make it big on the platform. It has to be about development.

There are 100s of tutorials, news, and updates about every computer language and framework available. It is a serious platform for writing in the development sphere.

3. Hacker News

This is the age-old blogging platform that started at Y-combinator. In the early days of the internet, where the content was hard to find, a good, reliable platform backed by big names was necessary to read about happening news in technology.

The users have continued its use and preserved its sanctity, by following its traditions and content policies. Be aware, they are pretty harsh and stringent about following their principles.

It still rocks its old basic UI. While some may hate it or love it for its history, Hacker news even today gets a lot of attention and posts. If you have something tech related story or product, you can try to make a post about it there and get a good reaction.

Hacker News UI

4. Quora

Quora is a Question-Answer type writing platform. There are 100s of questions and queries that people ask. You can read what others have to say, and reply if you have some valuable input to add to it.

Quora has a concept of managed “Spaces” where, questions and answers get moderated, for quality content. Getting your question or your answer accepted to one of these spaces can give you a jolt of views and followers in the community.

You can also ask questions and recommend them to be answered to industry pros if you need to.

5. GoodReads

GoodReads is a book review platform, that helps writers and content creators to write and publish their books. There are 100s of books that you can find there for all possible topics

It has an active community of readers, that regularly read, and review books. If you can get your book to be spread around those circles, you are guaranteed to have an audience for your work.

There are also so many good recommendations for niche books. Everyone will find a fit for their personal taste.


Hopefully, you can find something you like on the recommended websites.

Writing is a big and diverse field, that in many of its categories has only one thing in common, words on a screen. As the internet is in a transition, Writing is going to experience change too.

There is also a lot of money in writing, especially in the technical and SEO writing spheres. You can easily find yourself a writing gig, that pays you additional income for a part-time job, that too right on the internet.

Research has shown that writing has the best ROI when it comes to marketing a company in today’s world. Overall, writing is a fun and booming industry that everyone can become a part of.



Abhishek Ghadge

Avid Traveler | Crypto-Specialist | Supporting the Cryptic liberation. Creating