A Healthy Dose of Scares and Laughs: 12 Hour Shift (2020)

Brant Lewis
The Blog in the Woods
3 min readMay 17, 2022

Sorry for the radio silence; it’s been busy on my end. To get back to it, I wanted to discuss Brea Grant’s horror black comedy 12 Hour Shift, released in 2020. Easily one of the funniest horror comedies I have seen in a while, Grant’s movie had me cackling with glee during my watch of it. Following the current rewatch, I knew I had to cover it.


In 1999 Arkansas, drug-addicted nurse Mandy (Angela Bettis) works long hours at the hospital with little pay, where she steals patients’ organs to fund her drug habit. Fellow hospital worker Karen (Nikea Gamby-Turner) and ditzy cousin Regina (Chloe Farnworth) help her endeavor. One evening, Regina has to deliver a kidney and accidentally grabs the wrong cooler from the hospital and arrives at organ trafficker Nicholas (Mick Foley) empty-handed, forcing her and Mandy to find another kidney from one of her patients while avoiding the wrath of Nicholas and his men.

Grant and crew do a fantastic job replicating the 1990s southern setting and aesthetic. It feels less like a gimmick and adds to the narrative. As a southerner myself, I appreciated that even though the characters are heightened, it does not come out of malice but come from good fun. The film’s location reminded me of my hometown and evoked that era well. Whether it be the local gas station, Nicholas’s hideout, or the hospital, it conveys that atmosphere perfectly. Also, I love it when a movie uses “bless your heart” correctly.


Most impressively, 12 Hour Shift boasts a talented cast of Angela Bettis, Chloe Farnworth, Mick Foley, and David Arquette. Bettis, best known for May and the tv film adaption of Carrie, brings her A-game and perfectly captures the overworked nurse spirit of Mandy, who has no time for nonsense yet nails the character’s dark sense of humor. I always loved seeing Bettis acting, and she did not disappoint. I had no experience with Farnworth’s work before the movie, and she instantly caught my attention as Regina. Farnworth and Bettis have fantastic comedic chemistry and always made me laugh. Arquette and Foley also get to shine in the more villainous roles. As a big Scream fan, I always enjoy seeing Arquette; Foley has the correct levels of menace and humor. Overall, there was not a single weak spot within the cast.

Grant’s script lands the correct blend of horror and dark comedy outside of the performances. The black comedy makes it feel unique and gives great comedic beats to the story. More importantly, the comedy and thriller elements work for hand in hand and amp up the tension at the right moments. 12 Hour Shift highlights Grant’s strength as a writer. She had a fun time writing the script, and it’s substantial.


12 Hour Shift is a solid and fantastic independent horror black comedy movie. It became a part of my constant rotation for films. I can’t wait to see what Grant does next; I also really liked her work on Lucky. I highly recommend seeking this movie out and giving it a watch.

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My reviews of are Night’s End and Doom Eternal live on Slay Away. I also wrote a piece about Al Ewing’s Guardians of the Galaxy for Comics Bookcase.

I have some upcoming articles including ones about Titane for Fangoria and Horror and Independent Film for Dread Central. I’ll link those whenever they go live.

I’ll be dropping my piece about Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral on Friday.



Brant Lewis
The Blog in the Woods

I am a horror filmmaker and writer who loves vampires, ghosts, and the gothic. https://linktr.ee/brantlewis