Are Social Networks the evil?

Carmine De Fusco
The Blog of a Computer Scientist
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

Today the web and the Internet seem obvious to us, but their existence and Net Neutrality (which Trump has abolished) is given by a succession of events and to understand the origin we must go very far.

The first of all is surely the birth of ARPANET. Yes, because thanks to ARPANET has born Internet. Thanks to Internet has born the World Wide Web. Thanks to WWW has born the Social Networks, and without all of them we would not have had the world as we know it today.

Incredible as a succession of events, apparently disconnected from each other, led us into an unimaginable future. It is incredible that all is started 50 years ago. At beginning of this revolution all began sending the first messages in the form of bits, 0 and 1, and there was only few computer in the net. Now the situation is changed and the world is completely connected.

Social networks are one of the last steps and have profoundly changed the way we live. In a certain sense thanks to them people near to each other becomes most far and people far from each other became most near.

However there is no sense tell that Social Networks are the evil. They are only an instrument. The humans make it good nor bad. Like all tools, humans could to learn to use it for good things.
Social networks have not made society worse, but they have shown how it really is. They showed the society of appearance and showed the egocentric individualism that distinguishes us. We like to show us how we want others to see us, to hide our faults and exalt our presumed qualities. We continually show our Digital Avatar, which is not us but the projection of what we would like to be. Social media is the mirror of society, a society of masks. Today’s society is shaped according to the ideology of being as appearing and not of being as being. We are all holograms projected on a screen. Cartesio said “I think, therefore I am”, today he would say “I post, therefore I exist”.



Carmine De Fusco
The Blog of a Computer Scientist

Computer Scientist in general, Software Engineer in detail, Visionary for someone. Contact me here: cardefusco (at) gmail (dot) com