The Time My Son Sh*t in the Tub

2 min readDec 7, 2019

On purpose.

No matter how many parenting books you read, there are just some things you can’t prepare for.

Like the time my two year old shit in the tub — on purpose.

After I repeatedly asked him to sit down in the tub, and he repeatedly ignored me, I informed him I was taking his Spider-Man “stuffy” away.

Now, I knew my two year old son, Watson, had one helluva temper. But, I didn’t know just how bad it was.

Watson looked me straight in the eye, snarled his little mouth, and hunkered down.

I swear I saw him smirk.


There it was, right there in the tub. A la the Baby Ruth scene from Caddyshack.

He smiled.

I gasped in horror.

His brother and sister (who were also in the tub) jumped out and ran away screaming.

So what is a dad to do in this situation? They definitely never covered this in any parenting book I read. So many questions…

Do I punish the kid?

How do I get that thing out of the tub?

What would mommy do?

Do I have to bleach the whole tub now?

Long story short..

I let little man off the hook. After the initial surge of shock and anger, I was actually kind of impressed. The kid’s got a temper, sure, but he’s got some moxy too.

That took guts (no pun intended). I can respect that. 😂




I like to make things on the internet when I’m not working or buried in diapers. | Husband | Father of 4 |