The Prayer I Pray When I’m Stuck in a Rut

Old habits die hard.

2 min readDec 11, 2019


Do you ever feel like you keep finding yourself in the same spot? You try and try but no matter what you do you keep struggling with the same old things? It might be booze, or food, or certain behaviors.

It’s frustrating and demoralizing.

Old habits die hard. Especially, when we’re trying to fix ourselves. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us though.

If our same old ideas, thoughts, and fears landed us in this rut, why do we think they’ll help us out of it?

To be frank, crazy can’t fix crazy.

We need a new perspective if we hope to claw our way out. We need new pair of glasses, if you will, with which to see ourselves and our circumstances if we hope to move past our current situation.

Below is a prayer that was suggested to me from a friend of mine in a 12 Step program, when I found myself in a tough place. Its called the “Set Aside Prayer”. It gets right to the heart of the matter.

The prayer goes as follows…

The Set Aside Prayer

God, please help me set aside everything I think I know about myself, my disease, the 12 steps, and especially You; So I may have an open mind and a new experience of all these things. Please let me see the truth.

Obviously, you can substitute “my struggle” for “my disease” and “my ideas” for the “12 Steps”.

If the “God” thing throws you for a loop, you can say “Higher Power” or “The Universe”. It’s up to you.

Give the “ Set Aside Prayer” a chance the next time your stuck. It’s helped millions in Recovery, I’d be willing to bet it will help you too.

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I like to make things on the internet when I’m not working or buried in diapers. | Husband | Father of 4 |