Want to Feel More at Peace? End Each Day like This.

4 Simple Suggestions That Will Change Your Life.

2 min readDec 10, 2019


The title and subtitle to this article are not clickbait. These four items, when practiced daily, will indeed change your life. They definitely changed mine, and I’m willing to bet they will do the same for you.

I didn’t come up with these suggestions. They were freely passed along to me from a mentor of mine. So, I will freely pass them along to you.

Do with them what you will.

1. Make Amends Before the Day Ends.

In other words, do not go to bed angry. Especially, with loved ones.

We’ve all likely heard that line before, especially those of us who are married (or have been). But, just because it might be cliche, doesn’t make it less true.

The fact is, unresolved arguments breed resentments, and resentments are cancer. If left untreated, resentments spread into other areas of your relationships and infect everything around them.

So, cut it out at the source before you retire for the day— and be sure to get all of it. We don’t want resentments poking their ugly little heads up down the road.

2. Write a Gratitude List.

Leave a small notebook on your nightstand. Every night write 5 things you are grateful for. Do your best not to replicate items on your list. See how many new things you can come up with before you start over.

When we see all of the abundance in our life, peace and contentment are natural byproducts.

3. Give Thanks to Someone or Something Bigger than Yourself.

When you finish writing your gratitude list, take a minute to pause and give thanks.

You can direct that gratitude towards God, your Higher Power, the Universe, or nothing. I’m not here to argue who.

Just take the time to express gratitude to someone or something for the abundance in your life, bigger than yourself.

4. Meditation

Spend 10–15 minutes in meditation every evening.

Often misunderstood, meditation is an amazing tool. Meditation positively impacts our mood, stress levels, anxiety, depression, compassion, focus, aggression, need I go on?

Ram Dass said…

Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity.

If your’e new to meditation I highly recommend the Headspace app. Start with their ‘Basics’ course, and progress from there.

Although they are simple, these four suggestions when done daily and with discipline, can have an enormous impact on your life. They sure did for me.

I hope you take them to heart and incorporate them into your life. Peace and serenity are sure to follow.

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I like to make things on the internet when I’m not working or buried in diapers. | Husband | Father of 4 |