The 5 Steps To Turn a Disadvantage Into an Advantage

Disadvantages are opportunities in disguise.

Mukhim Naltus
The Blog of Mukhim Naltus


Disadvantages are disadvantageous for you unless you do something about them.

You can turn a disadvantage into an advantage and come out as a winner. Or you can accept the defeat and remain a victim.

Disadvantages are normal if you do things. You’ll have disadvantages one way or the other.

The only way you wouldn’t have any disadvantage is if you don’t try things. But that way, you wouldn’t get anything done.

To get things done, you have to try things. Different things. And get your hands dirty. Really dirty.

When you try something — many things — you’ll find you have disadvantages in a few of them. Unless you’re out of the ordinary.

What do you do when you have a disadvantage? Blame your luck? Retreat yourself? Engage in self-hatred?

Guess what? Neither of them helps you in any way. Other than if you want to earn people’s sympathy.

But you don’t want sympathies. Or do you?

You want respect. Respect that’s earned.

And you earn respect when you’ve paid your dues. You’ve turned every disadvantage into advantages on your way to…

