This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: Feb 29 — Mar 6, 2020

Issue #138 | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Snapzu

GrindZero Growth Tribe
The Blogging Life
5 min readMar 6, 2020


Happy Friday (And National Day of Unplugging) everyone!

Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!

We begin this week with Lynn Steger Strong, who writes on The Guardian about how “there is nothing more sustaining to long-term creative work than time and space — and these things cost money” as amply summarized by the sub-header. Lynn, a writing teacher, shares her own personal background and experiences, and resonates on how tough and cut-throat it actually can be to even just reach a living wage, a piece that earns the top spot in this week’s list.

Just below her, we’re greeted by Maggie Archibald, who dives into the popular but difficult subject of the importance of creating a well-thought out post title that maximizes the chances of getting clicked on, and details some tried, tested, and true tactics that you can try next time you find yourself writing your own.

Capturing our final podium spot, and the digital bronze, is George Nguyen who reports how since just a few days ago, Google has started treating the nofollow link attribute as a hint, instead of than a directive like before, when crawling and indexing links and pages. In short, the main point is to give more content control to bloggers and website owners.

Kelly Burch, a freelance writer, shares her personal success story of how she climbed from zero to making six digits in her freelance writing career, in a detailed and transparent post that earns her fourth place!

Finally, wrapping up the list is Eric Goldschein with his piece on the topic of membership walls/gates, the pros and cons of utilizing them on your blog or website, along with some tips that may help you out if you’re considering this content strategy.

So without further ado, here are this week’s (Feb 29 — Mar 6, 2020) most valuable posts from the /t/BES creatives community:

🥇 1. A Dirty Secret: You Can Only Be a Writer if You Can Afford it
Highlight: “I tell them to get a job that also gives them time and space somehow to write; I tell them find a job that, if they still have it 10 years from now, it wouldn’t make them sad.”

🥈 2. How To Write A Blog Title People Actually Want To Read
“If a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody around to hear it, did it happen? Well, if you create the best blog post ever written and nobody clicks on your title to read it, did you even write it?”

🥉 3. Google’s New Treatment of Nofollow Links Has Arrived
“Google’s Gary Illyes and Danny Sullivan have said that the new attributes serve to help Google understand the web better and allow site owners to classify the nature of their links, if they want to.”

4. This Working Mom Wanted to Earn $100,000/Year From Writing
“Hitting six figures seemed wholly impossible when I began freelancing five years ago. In fact, I really never imagined I’d be making more than $100,000, whether in a freelance position or traditional job.”

5. Should You Gate Your Best Blog Content? (Pros, Cons, and Tips)
“Gated blog content is a tried-and-true way to collect email addresses for your marketing campaigns. But gating all of your best content isn’t necessarily always the best move, either.”

Bonus Link! 🎶 : New Music Release Tuesday: Week of Feb 26 — Mar 3, 2020 (104 tracks!)
A weekly mega-list of the newest music that dropped in the past week, sorted by most up votes ensuring the best landing on/near the top! Perfect companion for the hustle/grind! 🎶

That’s all folks! You can view all the rest of the community’s top submissions here.

Be sure to tune in next Friday for another great weekend reading list that will make you a better, wiser, and more informed blogger, writer, and/or creator! Don’t forget to bookmark this blog, or better yet, add us to your RSS reader if you use one!

PS: Run a blog, vlog, or podcast, or any other creative endeavor? Start an accompanying homebase/community (like ours) on Snapzu (a social sharing platform for bloggers/influencers/creatives) and utilize it to help you dominate your social media game using the immense power of content CURATION, and effortlessly create and send out awesome routine round-up posts/newsletters like this to help grow your audience (and newsletter) 3x faster. It’s free! More info here.

Header image credit: Nikhil kumar on Unsplash

Originally published at on March 6, 2020.



GrindZero Growth Tribe
The Blogging Life

We are a writers/bloggers/creatives community! Also working on a nifty social media A.I. assistant (among other growth tools) w/ free BETA!