This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: Feb 8 — Feb 14, 2020

Issue #135 | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Snapzu

GrindZero Growth Tribe
The Blogging Life
5 min readFeb 14, 2020


Happy Friday (And Valentine’s Day) everyone!

Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!

Let’s begin with Madeleine Dore of the BBC, who introduces the Get Your Life In Order (GYLIO) productivity “life hack” to the masses in her well researched piece on the ever-growing practice that may actually be the real deal, especially useful for those of us that also have to manage our digital lives on the side. This potentially life-changing advice may be well worth a read if you struggle with organization and getting things done regularly.

Close behind in second place, GaryVee hosts a keynote at the Senior Bowl Summit, and does an informative (and often humorous) Q&A about the history, present, and future of entrepreneurship, social media, digital marketing and other relevant topics in this 70 minute video.

Katrina Loos shares her top seven unconventional ways to be not only “followable”, but also “discoverable” on Twitter (but realistically, on most, if not all the other social networks as well), and presents some live-action personal tactics that worked well for her, and earns the digital bronze this week.

Next up, Daniel Cooper reports on Engadget about how domain prices are set to rise soon due to the ending of older Obama-era legislation that froze the price at USD $7.85. This will obviously affect entrepreneurs, businesses, creatives, and anyone else who hosts a self-hosted blog or website that has it’s own TLD.

Last but definitely not least, Darren Rowse, old school blogger and entrepreneur, shares his past experiences on how found the time to build his first sellable digital product (an e-book), and offers seven excellent tips that may help you do the same as a new avenue of potential revenue.

So without further ado, here are this week’s (Feb 8 — Feb 14, 2020) most valuable posts from the /t/BES creatives community:

🥇 1. How to Reduce ‘Attention Residue’ in Your Life
“Essentially, GYLIO is about bundling tasks into a single morning, day or week in order to clear your mind; learning to prioritise and find focus so that you can enjoy guilt-free downtime.”

🥈 2. Video: How to Stop Caring and Start Posting
“Everybody would be so much happier if they focused on their passion as a career path. Instead, so many of us work jobs we hate and then use our passion as an escapism from the real world.”

🥉 3. How to Grow Your Twitter Following
“To be interesting on Twitter, you need to know how some things work. You have to carefully curate content. You’ll need to understand the psychology of social sharing.”

4. The Price of a .Com Domain is Set to Rise
“That’ll put an end to Obama-era price freezes. If successful, it’ll see the cost of a .com address rise by two bucks by the end of 2026, and potentially more thereafter.”

5. How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog
“A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write posts, promote them, respond to readers’ comments and emails, and everything else that goes with running a blog.”

That’s all folks! You can view all the rest of the community’s top submissions here.

Be sure to tune in next Friday for another great weekend reading list that will make you a better, wiser, and more informed blogger, writer, and/or creator! Don’t forget to bookmark this blog, or better yet, add us to your RSS reader if you use one! If you have anything awesome to submit that others might enjoy, feel free to do so — it might even end up on next week’s top five!

And don’t forget to help others find this nifty resource by sharing it around! Huge thanks!

PS: Run a blog, vlog, or podcast, or any other creative endeavor? Start an accompanying homebase/community (like ours) on Snapzu (a social sharing platform for bloggers/creatives) and utilize it to help you dominate your social media game using the immense power of content CURATION, and effortlessly create and send out awesome routine round-up posts/newsletters like this to help grow your audience (and newsletter) 3x faster. It’s free! More info here.

Header image credit: Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Originally published at on February 14, 2020.



GrindZero Growth Tribe
The Blogging Life

We are a writers/bloggers/creatives community! Also working on a nifty social media A.I. assistant (among other growth tools) w/ free BETA!