Brandon Michael James
The Blue U
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2018

Nominating a Supreme Court Justice is one of the most important and longest lasting decisions that a President can make. This evening, current President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh, a judge who currently serves as a Justice in the United States Court of Appeals. We believe in the balance of the court, or in Main Street terms, a court that prioritizes the longevity of the Republic over the partisan ideology behind President Trump’s nomination.

History shows us that America is a place that builds upon it’s judicial legacy, choosing to enshrine decisions to make clearer, not to tear down and muddy the waters of justice. With this nomination, we see an existential risk to the American Judicial System. With this nomination, we see a clear intent to rip apart the legally earned bonds of marriage in our country. With this nomination, we see a clear intent to deprive women, many of whom are our fellow college students, the access to healthcare they need in the most vulnerable time in their lives. With this nomination, we see continued intent to ensure that corporations are people while immigrants are not.

We view this choice as unacceptable. We ask that all of our Democratic Senators join together to not allow the nomination to pass in the Senate. We ask, in the spirit of bi-partisanship that our Republican Senators do the same.


Brandon Michael James, Vice-Chair of Public Affairs



Brandon Michael James
The Blue U

C.E.O of VoteLab. Young Dems of America College Caucus VP of Political Affairs. 2nd VP of Kansas Young Democrats. President of Sedgwick County YD.