Breathless Heat: Managing Asthma in Summer

Kayelyn Brophy, PharmD Candidate 2025 at Duquesne University

The Blueberry Post
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024


Summer is here, bringing warmer days, campfires, and outdoor adventures. However, for those with asthma, this season can pose challenges that may trigger exacerbations. Smoke from campfires and fireworks, pollen in the air, and increased physical activity can all exacerbate symptoms.

To combat asthma attacks and ensure a fantastic summer, proactive measures are crucial. Check air quality before heading outside, especially if you’re sensitive to pollen and humidity. Always keep your rescue inhaler close by to manage your asthma attacks. For many patients this will be their Albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil, Proair, or generic). Some patients may be instructed to use their maintenance Symbicort or Dulera as an as needed rescue option for asthma symptoms. However, Albuterol should only be used as needed and not as a maintenance medication.

In addition to medication, lifestyle adjustments can minimize asthma exacerbations. Remember to develop an asthma action plan outlining steps to take in case of an attack, and maintain an asthma travel pack when on the go. As July approaches with its fireworks and campfires, take precautions: sit upwind of smoke and fireworks displays to reduce exposure.

With preparation and understanding of prescribed medications, asthma patients can confidently enjoy a safe and enjoyable summer. Have a wonderful and safe season!


1. 2024 Gina Main Report — Global Initiative for asthma. GINA. May 22, 2024. Accessed June 21, 2024.

2. Hartert T, Bacharier LB. Overview of Asthma Management in Children and Adults. UpToDate. June 14, 2024. Accessed June 21, 2024.



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