5 Features that Make Bluzelle Excel as a Database for Web 3.0

Pavel Bains
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
4 min readJul 24, 2019


As Bluzelle has been continuously building its decentralized database, more features have been implemented and the pieces are all coming together. This week kicks off the first of a number of weekly blog posts around what makes the entire Bluzelle ecosystem work. This will include material about payments, nodes, staking, Ethereum registries and more. By the end of the series we’ll have an updated white paper that reflects the exciting current state.

Today’s post is about 5 key features that make Bluzelle well positioned to be the leading database for Web 3.0.

1. Simple to Implement

For database architects (DBA), Bluzelle is simple to get going. The DBA just needs to know how much storage they need. They don’t need to specify server sizes, memory, speeds, inputs/outputs and other info. As Bluzelle is auto-managed network, like blockchains, there is nothing to actually deploy. Bluzelle is already up and gives multi-region capability right away.

Check out Bluzelle Guide: Integrating Bluzelle in less than 5 minutes

Traditional databases ask a number of questions and have a complex set up. This frustrates developers who just want to get going on programming their software. Complex infrastructure is a distraction.

2. Scale Automatically

With Bluzelle, IT teams don’t have to worry about managing operations to scale up for demand. Traditional databases require the company to react to customers in different regions and spin up new servers accordingly. With Bluzelle the developers just state which regions they want coverage in and as demand increases, Bluzelle ensures data is replicated there automatically to support the scale needed.

3. Multi-cloud and Hybrid Model

Bluzelle operates across many clouds and does not lock-in customers to any specific cloud infrastructure. Developers want to have flexibility and enterprises want to have the choice of cloud or on-premise. That is why Bluzelle also offers a Hybrid Cloud option. With hybrid, enterprises can have their own on-premise nodes that further accelerate access to their own data.

Bluzelle customers are free from cloud lock-in

4. Data Distributed to the Edge

Many use cases require data to be accessed very quickly or the user experience can suffer. Bluzelle has edge servers around the globe which push data very close to the user of an application. In addition to being a database, Bluzelle can be used as a super-fast edge cache compared to other databases. Currently for these use cases, the cache needs to be in the same data center as the database. As a decentralized network, Bluzelle’s caching solution can be moved away from the main database and close to the actual customer.

Bluzelle data is distributed to edge for performance

5. Predictable and lower costing

When using traditional cloud databases, the customer does not always know what their bill is going to be. Traditional products require the customer to know 5–10 parameters just to get an estimate of what their costs will be. Each parameter can be hard to measure. The customer still has many unknowns (like actual traffic charges) that are impossible to estimate, and only become known once they receive their bill.

With Bluzelle everything is straight forward and is based on how much storage is required — replication, latency and traffic costs are all built in. This makes pricing lower overall with no surprises. The customer has a clear understanding of exactly what they will pay, right from the start.

That is an overall review of what makes Bluzelle stand out. Next week we will go into costing and payments and show where various savings can be for customers of Bluzelle.



Pavel Bains
The Blueprint by Bluzelle

CEO Bluzelle. WEF Tech Pioneer 2017. Futurist, Writer for Fast Company, Forbes, Coindesk. “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”