Bluzelle Activity Summary (Oct 9)

Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
3 min readOct 10, 2018

New Exchange Listing, Featured in Dataconomy & Interview with Decentric Media

Welcome to this week’s activity summary. You will find:

  • Bluzelle to be listed on GBX DAX
  • Featured in Dataconomy
  • Interviewed by Decentric Media
  • Community FAQ: Would only dApps need a decentralized database?
  • Upcoming Event
  • Top news picks of the week

Bluzelle To Be Listed On GBX DAX

We are happy to announce BLZ will be listed on GBX Digital Asset Exchange (DAX) on 15th Oct 2018. Read full announcements here>>>

Featured in Dataconomy

CEO Pavel’s new article “How To Monetize Your Data In The Right Way” is published on Dataconomy.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, consumers can no longer ignore the fact that major tech and social media companies engage in mass data harvesting and the selling of user information to third parties — one need only look to the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal (which impacted not only the users of a given app but their Facebook friends, too). The old adage stands — if it’s free, you are the product.

To truly understand how to monetize data in the right way, it’s first essential to establish new ways for individuals to control it. Through decentralised database storage, they can take back that control and a new data economy based on responsible curation, storage and dissemination of data between individuals, companies and governments can be bootstrapped.

Read Full Article>>>

Interviewed by Decentric Media

CTO Neeraj Murarka speaks about Bluzelle’s company journey and the future of smart contracts in this interview with Decentric Media. This interview was held back at the 2018 Ethereal Summit in Brooklyn, New York.

Community FAQ: Would only dApps require a decentralised database?

Last week we explained why dApps need a decentralized database. But would only dApps need it? Check out what CTO Neeraj says.

Upcoming Event

Bluzelle Director of Sales Ashok Venkateswaran will be speaking at Blockchain Fair Asia at Manila Philippines this week. He will be delivering a keynote speech on “Decentralization and New Data Economy”.

News Picks of The Week

  1. No Cash Needed At This Cafe. Students Pay The Tab With Their Personal Data (Read More)
  2. Why your online data isn’t safe (Read More)
  3. Opt-Out Versus Opt-In: How Blockchain Will Change The Data Collection Culture (Read More)

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Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle

Bluzelle Marketing Manager, building the new data economy