Bluzelle Activity Summary (Sep 11)

Speaking at Slush Singapore, First Tech Tutorial

Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
3 min readSep 12, 2018


Welcome to this week’s newsletter. In this issue, you will find:

  • Video Tutorial: How Can Ethereum Smart Contract Use Bluzelle Database?
  • Upcoming Events Participating
  • Top news picks of the week

CTO Neeraj Conducted First Tech Tutorial

How Can Ethereum Smart Contract Use Bluzelle Database?

In our Twitter poll last week, 63% of our community member indicated they want to watch the Ethereum tutorial first! Therefore, we released our first video which demonstrates how a Solidity developer can deploy their own smart contract that uses the Bluzelle database to read and write key-value pair data. This video will go through the following steps:

Part I: Smart Contract Deployment
1. Copy the sample smart contract code to Ethereum Remix (link to sample code)
2. Compiling and deploying the smart contract to the Ropsten testnet using Ropsten ETH
3. Retrieving the ABI and smart contract address for later use

Part II: Using Smart Contract
1. Setting up MyEtherWallet with deployed smart contract values (found during deployment)
2. Executing a CREATE operation (onchain), from MyEtherWallet
3. Verifying the CREATE complete (offchain) with a READ, via the desktop CRUD application
4. Changing the key-value-pair value (offchain) with an UPDATE, via the desktop CRUD application
5. Reading the changed value back (onchain), from MyEtherWallet

Useful Links:

The next video we are releasing will be on creating node.js applications with Bluzelle. Stay tuned on Friday!

Speaking at Slush Singapore

Pavel is speaking at Slush Singapore this Friday! It’s a leading tech startup event aiming to facilitate founder-investor networking & build a worldwide startup community. Pavel will join a panel called “Making Sense of Decentralized-Everything” which will discuss the various decentralized applications and their relevance to enterprises and people’s daily life.

Other Events Participating in September

September 19–21: DB Tech Showcase Tokyo
DB tech showcase Tokyo is a top-tier conference that gathers engineers from the cutting-edge database technology

September 19–20 Consensus Singapore
Consensus Singapore is the leading blockchain and crypto conference globally organized by Coindesk. This is their first edition in Asia.

September 19: EMPIRICON
EMPIRICON is part of Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology that brings together the best minds in sustainability, deep-tech and innovation.

News Picks of the Week

  1. Apple to provide online tool for police to request data (Read more)
  2. The Woman Who Smashed Codes: The Untold Story of Cryptography Pioneer Elizebeth Friedman (Read more)
  3. Google Adds Ethereum Blockchain Dataset to Its Big Data Analytics Platform (Read more)

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Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle

Bluzelle Marketing Manager, building the new data economy