Bluzelle Activity Summary (Sep 25)

Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
3 min readSep 26, 2018

Recap of Consensus Singapore, News Features & Community FAQ video

Welcome to this week’s activity summary. You will find:

  • A recap of all participated conferences in the past week
  • Bluzelle’s latest article about data breaches featured on Compare The Cloud
  • New Community FAQ videos about dApps and decentralized database
  • Top news picks of the week

Recap of Participated Conferences

Last week was busy and fruitful filled with multiple tech conferences and events across Singapore, Vancouver and Tokyo.

Being one of the largest blockchain events globally, Consensus took place in Singapore for the first time and attracted a good crowd of blockchain enthusiasts, enterprise innovation leaders and startup founders. Ashok spoke on a panel together with Zia Zaman (Chief Innovation Officer of MetLife Asia) and Zennon Kapron (Director of Kapronasia) about why blockchains are coming to insurtech.

Ashok told that blockchain does not only benefit your customer by automating most of the claim process, it also protects insurance companies from fraudulent claims as data can be stored in a tampered-proof blockchain network.

Ashok at Consensus Singapore

Ashok also spoke on a panel at EMPIRICON, which is a part of Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology (SWITCH) featuring topics around open innovation, tech entrepreneurship, and talent development. He was joined by founders from Ocean Protocol and Healint to discuss about the future of data analytics and security.

“Trust is the key issue when it comes to data. Customers need more control on how their data is being used,” said Ashok during the panel

In the same week, Bluzelle Opensource Developer Advocacy Daniel Saito participated in DB Tech Showcase in Tokyo. It was one of the leading conferences featuring the latest database tech. Daniel presented Bluzelle’s decentralized database solutions among other reputable DB projects such as DELL and PostgreSQL. Many developers showed great interests to our product and actively participate in our online tech discussions on Gitter.

Daniel presented the latest progress on Bluzelle DB development during DB Tech Showcase Tokyo

Featured in Compare The Cloud

Our latest article named “Why aren’t data breaches a thing of the past?” is featured on

The tech industry and the billions of people who populate their platforms are undergoing a reckoning that’s causing many to question the very efficacy of the digital age.

This shifting sentiment is a spectacular change for an industry that enjoyed unquestioned adoption both at an enterprise and individual level. It’s been less than 30 years since the first website launched at CERN labs, but those three decades are comprised of nearly unbridled growth and participation in a web-based ecosystem. In virtually every way, internet services are becoming more prolific and more popular every year.

Read more to find out the big problems of big data and the future direction of privacy and security.

Community FAQ: Why dApps Need a Decentralized Database instead of using existing DB?

To recap our previous FAQ videos:

News Picks of the Week

  1. Database servers sold at NCIX auction allegedly without being wiped (Read more)
  2. How Much Is Your Private Data Worth — and Who Should Own It? (Read more)
  3. Shouldn’t we teach data privacy in our schools? (Read more)

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Yingyao Xie
The Blueprint by Bluzelle

Bluzelle Marketing Manager, building the new data economy