Bluzelle & Ankr: Utilizing Distributed Cloud Infrastructure

The Blueprint by Bluzelle
2 min readSep 25, 2019

As the decentralized world is being built by many companies developing key aspects, it’s important to leverage off each other than go it alone all the time. Today, we are happy to announce our partnership with Ankr.

What is Ankr?

Ankr is a distributed computing platform that aims to leverage idle computing resources in data centers and edge devices. What Ankr enables is a Sharing Economy model where enterprises and consumers can monetize their spare computing capacities from their devices, on-premise servers, private cloud and even public cloud. This enables Ankr to provide computing power much closer to users at a much cheaper price.

How do Ankr and Bluzelle complement one another?

Bluzelle will benefit from Ankr in two ways. Firstly, Bluzelle can utilise Ankr’s distributed cloud infrastructure to operate some of our nodes. Secondly, the general public will be given the ability to run a Bluzelle farmer node by running a virtual machine on Ankr. They can earn tokens by becoming a storage point, while enjoying lower operation costs on Ankr compared to traditional hosting providers.

On the other hand, the partnership between Ankr and Bluzelle can add additional value to our respective customers, hence accelerating adoption of both decentralised services. Bluzelle’s database and caching solutions are perfectly complementary to Ankr’s compute, storage and container orchestration services. As people need cloud computing from Ankr, Bluzelle can become the immediately available data storage and management service for them. And the reverse is true. Bluzelle’s customer can have simple access to computing services via Ankr. For the near future, we plan to package the tech stacks together to provide enterprises with the all-in-one solution.

We look forward to a great partnership ahead!

About Bluzelle

Bluzelle is a global decentralized database for web 3.0. Bluzelle combines blockchain and edge computing to deliver an instantly scalable, auto-managed, and cryptographically secure database service. Bluzelle is a layer two solution for the data needs of blockchains and is suited for serverless applications, Dapps, gaming and IoT.

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