Bluzelle Development Update + Launch of Developer Bounty

Neeraj Murarka
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
4 min readJul 16, 2019

The Bluzelle team has been hard at work in the past sprints. In this blog post, I am glad to share with you:

  • Recent updates on development sprint #41 & #42
  • The launch of developer bounty program

Sprint Recap

While our full version is still in private mode for selected partners and customers, the public can still access our test version with the latest features.

Contact Bluzelle to request access to Full Version

The latest added features are as follow:

  • New CreateDB size constraint functionality. In the test version, anyone can create a database and we now support an optional parameter to specify the maximum size (in bytes) of your database. If you leave this parameter out, there is no maximum enforced.
  • A random eviction policy on a per database (UUID) basis. For databases that have specified a maximum size when created with CreateDB, when that database reaches its maximum and an attempt is made to exceed that maximum (ie: with a Create or Update), existing data already in the database will be evicted (deleted), on the basis of randomly choosing a minimum number of key-value pairs to remove until enough space is available.
  • Create and Update now allow for a TTL value to determine expiry time, on a per key-value-pair basis. An important aspect of building an application that is intended to run on the Bluzelle DB is resource management. Specifically, ensuring your application does not exceed the maximum size of the database you are paying for. A key means to do this is to keep tight TTL (total time to live) settings on every key-value-pair you store. Now you are allowed to specify the optional TTL when you create a key-value-pair. If you do not specify it, the key-value-pair lives forever. If you specify it (in seconds), when that time elapses, the key-value-pair is automatically deleted. This is an important and fundamental part of managing your database resources on Bluzelle and avoid eviction, otherwise, it will happen on a random basis.
  • Multi-swarm support to enable databases (UUID’s) to be distributed across numerous swarms. We have added the CRITICAL horizontal scaling aspect to Bluzelle. For example, instead of 100 nodes on a single swarm that have a maximum capacity of 100 GB total, we can now have 5 swarms of 20 nodes each with 100 GB each in capacity, for a total of 500 GB total capacity for the Bluzelle network. 500 GB vs 100 GB. Multi-swarm support is 100% TRANSPARENT to the developer
  • Active database resource governance to ensure stability, availability, and performance. We have now taken governance to a whole new level. Aspects relating to stability, availability, and performance are strictly enforced to ensure that these metrics are met. The key area this applies to is the management of resources. This means that if you intend to launch a production product on Bluzelle, you should observe all the TTL and eviction options available to you, even on the test version.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

A reminder to all developers who have been using Bluzelle’s test or full version, please update your bluzelle-js with the following command (if you haven’t done so before), as our new features are not backward-compatible with our past versions:

npm update bluzelle

Refer to the latest JS docs at:

Refer to the latest Bluzelle Studio at:

It is also notable that we have been optimizing our internal CICD pipeline to increase the cadence of releases and we will have another interim release on Github (v0.7) coming soon.

We have launched a new developer bounty program. In partnership with GitCoin, we will be putting out regular bounties, payable in BLZ, that reward developers for building real-world use cases for the Bluzelle DB. We will put different bounty tasks out on a regular basis, as a contest that encourages the community to actively use Bluzelle to build new software in a friendly and competitive basis.

Task #1: Crypto-Market Application Using Bluzelle

Our first bounty centers around building a web app, powered by Bluzelle, that provides a website that lists out the prices of cryptocurrencies, much like First you would need to pull order book data from external free APIs (e.g. from and store them into Bluzelle DB. After that, you need to read price data from the Bluzelle DB and display them in the web app.

Reward: 50,000 BLZ

Enter the bounty now:


  • Multiple developers are allowed to compete in the same task.
  • Once all developers submit their work, our tech team will review and decide the winner of the task. The winner will claim the reward of the bounty.
  • For the rest of developers who also work hard on the same task, the team will still give out a certain amount of reward.
  • We will showcase all the submissions on our channels and community members can also vote for their favourite submissions.
  • The license for each bounty submission will be MIT but the original developer can always claim ownership and credit for their creation.


We have also set up a referral mechanism for the bounty. People can recommend qualified developers to Bluzelle and claim 3% of what the referred developer is rewarded. Click here to refer now!

