Bluzelle Joins UniFarm Cohort-13, Increasing Yields for $BLZ Holders

Pavel Bains
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
2 min readJun 18, 2021

Stake $BLZ to earn — $ORO, $RAZE, $FRM, $ELK, $EASY

Bluzelle is joining UniFarm’s Cohort-13 to provide extensive value to users and provide opportunities to earn incentives in multiple tokens.

Users will be able to seamlessly stake $BLZ tokens and farm multiple tokens in the UniFarm pool.

Unifarm, developed by OpenDeFi, is an innovative staking pool wherein users can stake an asset and farm other assets over the staking period.

Projects participating in the Unifarm Staking Pool Cohort-13 are:

  1. OroPocket ($ORO)
  2. Bluzelle ($BLZ)
  3. Elk Finance ($ELK)
  4. Raze Network ($RAZE)
  5. Ferrum Network ($FRM)
  6. EasyFi ($EASY)

The Unifarm staking pool commences with staking a token following a weekly schedule to farm all tokens. Moving forth, farming access is provided to one token in a week. With every upcoming week another token is added and this saga continues until all tokens are added in the pool to be farmed. Users can un-stake their tokens anytime but then the clock strikes zero again.

Uniswap Pool Timings

The Unifarm Staking pool goes live on 21st June, 2020 at 1:30 PM UTC on Polygon Network. The pool will be active for 3 months i.e 90 days. Users will be able to get a minimum of 36% APY with a maximum APY of 250% depending on the tokens staked.

About OpenDeFi

OpenDeFi is a fintech protocol that enables custody of real-world assets on blockchains and enables developers to build applications on top of it. Being open in nature this protocol allows seamless integration of other on-chain apps, and can enable multiple chains to cross-share the asset classes.

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About Bluzelle

Bluzelle is a decentralized storage network for the creator economy.

Bluzelle delivers high security, un-matched availability, and is censorship resistant. Whether you are an artist, musician, scientist, publisher, or developer, Bluzelle protects the intellectual property of all creators. You can ensure that when you store your creation on Bluzelle, it will be available, anytime, and always worry free.

Learn more about Bluzelle:

Stake your BLZ to earn:

Buy Bluzelle tokens (BLZ): Binance, Huobi, Uniswap

Join the community: Telegram, Twitter, Discord

Learn about: Oracles , BLZ Liquidity Pools , Staking

Develop on Bluzelle:



Pavel Bains
The Blueprint by Bluzelle

CEO Bluzelle. WEF Tech Pioneer 2017. Futurist, Writer for Fast Company, Forbes, Coindesk. “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”