Bluzelle KYC Stage Update

The Blueprint by Bluzelle


Thanks everyone for the patience the past week in fulfilling KYC. Doing this exercise is important in the regulatory environment, especially given how governments view the crypto space. Our plan is to be a global company with an extensive network. We want to show countries where we set up operations that we took the necessary steps to responsibly raise our funds when we started.

Emails have now been sent out to all those who have been accepted. Ones that had pending status were either moved to accepted or rejected. We also do manual vertification of the accepted ones for anything looking suspicious or people trying to use the same whitelist email to register more people.

We cannot give individual reasons for rejections and we’re sorry there is no appeal process or second submission. Some reasons for rejections are:

  • From a country that has UN sanctions and from China
  • Dubious information
  • Named on a watchlist
  • Missing information
  • False information
  • Whitelist is transferred

As stated before, we have full right to review all approved and pending applications and reject where we see any of the above.

Again, please do not email us asking why or ask for another chance. These are now final.

The final KYC approved number of people who can participate in our crowd sale is 5687.

You must remember the ETH wallet address you registered with, as that is the one used on the day of the token sale. That is the ONLY address from which you can send us ETH. ETH sent to us from other addresses will be rejected. That cannot be changed at all.

What’s Next

On Tuesday January 16 (SGT), we will peg the ETH in USD. This is the locked price which will determine how many tokens are given per ETH. We will also finalize the cap per person at the same time. Also on Tuesday we will provide more details on the buying process.

On the same day, we will also show the guidelines of the token sale site so you are familiar with what to do on the day of the event.

We won’t be doing a first-come, first-served method. We are segmenting people into two groups:

Group 1: Flash Whitelist KYC Approved 282 number of people

Group 2: Regular Whitelist KYC Approved 5405 number of people

Day 1

Group 1 enters the token sale first on January 18 and has 24 hours to buy their tokens. For these 24 hours, Group 1 has a higher cap than Group 2. If someone from Group 1 does not buy their tokens on day 1, they can still buy on day 2, but at the lower cap.

Day 2

Group 2 enters the token sale on January 19 and has 24 hours to buy their tokens. If you are from Group 1 and have already bought more than the cap for Group 2, you will not be able to buy more tokens on day 2,

Day 3

On day 3, January 20, anyone from Group 1 or Group 2 can purchase the leftover tokens, which will also be a cap per person.. This stage will run until we sell out of the tokens intended for the ICO. If all such tokens are not sold out, the sale will end after total 15 days, and the remaining tokens will be added to community pools

Thanks everyone for being part of this journey this far.

