Bluzelle x Binance AMA Recap!

The Blueprint by Bluzelle
4 min readFeb 7, 2023

On Feb 2nd, 2023, Bluzelle CEO Pavel Bains had an insightful AMA session with the Binance English Telegram community.

Throughout the session, Pavel talked about all the upcoming updates and launches in the Bluzelle ecosystem. If you missed joining the AMA, this detailed transcript can help you catch up with the bits and pieces of the session.

Read now!

Host: Please introduce yourself to the chat and share a quick overview of BLZ.

Pavel: Hi, everyone. Glad to be here. Binance has been a long-time supporter!

I’m the co-founder and CEO of Bluzelle. Before coming into crypto, I was in the video game industry, having worked with Disney, Nintendo, Xbox, EA, and others. I did everything from finance to studio management to M&A. I have a background in finance and was also a track athlete at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). I’m originally from Vancouver and have been in Singapore for 7 years.

Bluzelle is a blockchain for GameFi with its ability to produce high-quality games, protect players’ NFTs in its decentralized storage layer, and leverage DeFi yields with its 10,000 TPS Cosmos-Based Blockchain.

Host: What is your role with Bluzelle, and how has the experience been since 2018, when Bluzelle started?

Pavel: As the CEO, I focus mainly on strategy, marketing, and finance for Bluzelle.

I’d say over the past 5 years it’s been one crazy experience, both good and bad. We launched right at the start of what would be a 2+ year bear market, so 2018 and 2019 were difficult.

We’d been working hard but kept feeling like we were hitting a wall. But in March 2020, when Covid went global, we found a new strength and focused on just delivering every two weeks. That allowed us to get small successes, and we turned things around. Even when this current bear market started in 2022, we weren’t worried as we had gone through this before and could keep calm now. I have to say running a crypto project is not for the weak.

Host: If I may ask, Can you shed light on the Stargate Update and what the community can look forward to with this?

Pavel: We started as decentralized storage but over the last two years saw that we could do much more. Especially with our chain being built on Cosmos, it gave us a lot of flexibility.

We just implemented Stargate yesterday. 🙂

Stargate is Cosmos’ latest version, and by using it, we have enabled many exciting features for Bluzelle and can say it’s the first GameFi chain on Cosmos.

As a result, you can look forward to the following:

  • An NFT marketplace built on top of our storage layer, giving more security to your NFTs. We found the current Cosmos NFT marketplaces didn’t have the features required by game developers. So we decided to make one ourselves.
  • Because Stargate-enabled chains can talk to each other, we can apply different DeFi products to games and NFTs on Bluzelle — including using Osmosis, the Uniswap of Cosmos.
  • New easy-to-use wallets via Keplr give a Metamask-like experience on Bluzelle.

Host: Can you explain what Bluzelle R2 is? We would love to know more about it.

Pavel: It stands for Replication and Redundancy, get it? R2. 😂

This is our improved storage layer that adds steroids to IPFS. We noticed that people still use IPFS, but it was lacking in giving people truly decentralized replication. Your assets only sat on one node in IPFS. People didn’t realize this.

With Bluzelle R2, your assets can be stored on the IPFS protocol, but it is then replicated across all the nodes in the Bluzelle network. We’re bringing true decentralization to the IPFS protocol. This is a major innovation. 🚀

Host: We do have many gamers here in our community.

Tell us more about the GAMMA4 game and its features. What do we need to begin playing?

Pavel: As I said at the start before crypto, I was in the video game business.

So instead of trying to get some other team to build on our GameFi chain, we decided to produce one ourselves to show off all the features. Otherwise, you build the tools and then have to find a studio to make the product. We are fortunate that we can do both.

That game is GAMMA 4, and it is a real-time strategy card game set in a sci-fi world.

There are 5 species, Humans, Atari, Marauders, Goblins, and Mutants creating various factions to gain control of these sources of power called The Elementi.

In this game, you will pick your characters, obtain a deck of cards with specific powers, and battle enemies across multiple stages. At the same time, you will breed new characters and form powerful new beings.

Now the mint will happen on Bluzelle, the NFTs will be stored on Bluzelle, the game mechanics will be on our chain, and any DeFi features will be on Bluzelle. One game to show off the network. 💪

Host: The GAMMA 4 trailer hyped up the community’s enthusiasm. How far are we from the game launch?

Pavel: Thanks so much. We wanted to get the first part of the story across and prepare everyone for what’s coming.

The trailer is called SPARK OF WAR. Here is the link:

Next, we will drop some gameplay footage in action.

Soon, we’ll be dropping the first characters as NFTs which is what you will need to play in the beta. As long as you have BLZ and a Keplr wallet, you will be ready to play.

The NFT drop we are aiming for in March will be on our own marketplace, and about 30 days after, we will release a public playable version.

That’s a wrap! Stay tuned for more such insightful sessions!

